opertaional planning and policy

  Facebook’s Career Page. Facebook, Inc. is an American online social media and social networking service company based in Menlo Park, California. It was founded by Mark Zuckerberg along with other fellow Harvard College students. As of the end of 2018, the number of Facebook employees reached 35,587 full-time staff. It is considered one of … Read more

This assignment will help you understand one of the most important concepts in the study of economics – opportunity cost. It will also help you see how almost every decision in daily life involves opportunity cost.v

Opportunity cost of your resource is defined as “the value associated with the next best use of that resource (which you must give up).” Decisions you make should reflect your opportunity cost, and not just your out-of-pocket costs. For example, if you decide to spend two hours of your time watching TV, the opportunity cost … Read more

Assessing Risk

  Task: Provide a commercial transaction risk overview/evaluation of Argentina, China, Egypt, Poland, and South Africa. In your evaluation, indicate possible corrective measures in the countries with considerably high political and/or commercial risk. Refer to the website, https://credendo.com/en/country-risk Choose the countries listed above from the drop-down menu on the website and complete your task on a word … Read more

W7d1 Grant 652

Post a cohesive response based on your analysis of the Learning Resources and your professional experience. Be sure to discuss the following: “See attachments for details” 3 -4 paragraphs No plagiarism  APA citing  24 Hours 

Strategic Management Process

 The strategic management process involves establishing goals, strategies, and tactics. The goal or mission need not be measurable, but it is something the airport employees can work toward regardless of intermediate achievements. Compared to goals, objectives imply a shorter, measurable time period with an accomplishment that can be measured in numerical terms. For example, an … Read more


  Overview The end of the semester is a good time to think about your math, accounting, and Excel skills. Excel is widely considered a basic skill requirement for accounting and finance jobs. Discussion Requirements Take a moment to think about, and then comment on each of the following questions: What has been your experience … Read more


  You will share a draft of your report’s executive summary using the guidelines provided in the video, and then provide feedback on a classmate’s draft. Please watch the video, “Video review of executive summary from Victoria Business School.”  It is linked to at in Content for week 6. After watching the video, please complete … Read more

How important are structure and culture compared to the other primary internal considerations for a strategic plan?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  How important are structure and culture compared to the other primary internal considerations for a strategic plan? For background, consider this article: The  Leader’s Guide to Corporate Culture from our online library on how culture and strategy, when aligned, can maximize organizational results. NOTE: If … Read more