
     JSM Manufacturing is a small, local company that manufactures personal protective equipment, such as surgical masks, gowns, and face shields. The company relies on a network of suppliers of raw materials, transportation providers, and for other required products and services. These vendors receive purchase orders from JSM for materials and services, and typically ship … Read more


     JSM Manufacturing is a small, local company that manufactures personal protective equipment, such as surgical masks, gowns, and face shields. The company relies on a network of suppliers of raw materials, transportation providers, and for other required products and services. These vendors receive purchase orders from JSM for materials and services, and typically ship … Read more

Week 6 Discussion Response

Discussion Question 2 Prompt “What do we learn about Iago and his plans through his soliloquies in Shakespeare’s Othello? How does the descriptive language he uses effect our understanding of Iago and his motivations?” Answer In Lago’s soliloquy, the audience learns his true intent in manipulating Desdemona. He is planning on using her kind and … Read more

Week 8 Discussion

Week 8: Global Health & Course Reflection Section 1: This section can be put into table format. Using the U.S. as a high-income country, chose an upper or lower middle and low-income country for the table in the content section.  Identify the leading causes of death and illness     Identify infant mortality rates Identify the life … Read more

Experiential Reflection

The purpose of this activity is to engage in a volunteer experience with a safety net project or community program. The historical roots of the nursing profession originate from the work of Florence Nightingale in giving service to those populations with increased risk or susceptibility to poor health outcomes. This experiential learning activity will provide … Read more

Planning and Coordinating

I attached the assignment also if you cant understand it here.  The Rundle Management Association held its annual public relations luncheon in April Year 2. Based on the previous year’s results, the organization allocated $27,408 of its operating budget to cover the cost of the luncheon. To ensure that costs would be appropriately controlled, Molly … Read more

dp 8-2

Describe ways in which people experience grief and the functions it serves. Consider religious beliefs and cultural differences; as well as differences between child and adult, in your response. Access and read the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work. How might a person with the Christian Worldview handle the stages of dying, … Read more

dp 7-2

Brainstorm ideas on how our country can move away from ageist negative stereotypes (as predicted by the disengagement theory) and move toward a more positive active role for senior citizens (as predicted by the activity theory).

reading help

There are specific guidelines for what to include in this discussion: “Predict, explain, summarize, evaluate.” That means you should make a prediction on the themes, readings, or make a reading connection to our course goals or another outside issue that you find relevant in a paragraph or two. Explain and summarize the prediction in a … Read more

Week6 dis Issues of Advocacy and Social Justice

Prior to beginning work on this discussion read Hill (2013) “Partnering with a Purpose: Psychologists as Advocates in Organizations,” Cohen, Lee, & McIlwraith (2012) “The Psychology of Advocacy and the Advocacy of Psychology,” Heinowitz, et al. (2012) “Identifying Perceived Personal Barriers to Public Policy Advocacy within Psychology,” Lewis, Ratts, Paladino, & Toporek (2011) “Social Justice … Read more