For this assignment, you’ll relate one of the stories you’ve read in this course to your personal and/or professional life. This is going to take some critical thinking; it can be difficult to understand how these creepy short stories apply to the world outside the literature. Dig deep! Respond two times on two different … Read more


In the event of a viral outbreak in a U.S. state, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, do you think it would be appropriate for the state government to use quarantine or isolation to control the outbreak? Under what conditions would it be appropriate? Explain your rationale. In general, discuss whether you think federal, state, and … Read more

Human Resources- Individual Project 3

 After viewing the Week 3 Live Chats and the assigned readings (text and unit resources) on talent management, performance management, and performance appraisal, addresses the following within large organizations and the organization that you chose: Discuss the importance of talent management, including several challenges associated with talent management. What are 3 career issues that organizations … Read more

Learning Theory- Individual Project 3

Research the work of psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus and his work on memory. He was interested in learning retention. Ebbinghaus wrote about how a significant amount of material can be forgotten within 20 minutes to 1 hour of learning it. Write a brief analysis about his forgetting curve. Identify at least 1 learning method that can … Read more

Discussion: Multiplexers

 A multiplexer is a device that selects between several analog or digital  input signals and sends this selected input to a single output line. In  this discussion let’s discuss four major applications of multiplexers  and also talk about the advantages of using multiplexers in these  applications.     Answer the following: Data selection Multiplexed displays Logic … Read more

Discussion: Challenge Re-Design

 You are working for a company. Your task is to improve a tool or  appliance from your daily life. Pick a tool or appliance from your daily  life or home and redesign it for better functionality, reliability, and  cost. You are required to create a prototype. What steps would you use  to complete the redesign … Read more


Part A:  Q1.1. Please share any prior experience you may have had in a steel construction project. Provide some details about this project. Q1.2. Assume you are a project manager of a steel high-rise building in a dense urban area. It is a design-build project that needs to be built under a tight schedule. How … Read more

public health

  Tasks Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, to an external site. Use the search bar at top to search for a health-related job that interests you. Answer the following questions about that job: What do you like about this job? What is the recommended entry-level education? What other steps would you … Read more

Creating an Individualized Daily Plan

               Review the data that was gathered during the prior observation. Jorge is 12 months old & described as a slow-to-warm child. Identify one developmental domain to analyze. (Physical, cognitive, language, social-emotional) Create an individualized Daily Plan for the Case Study Child. Include the following categories: Child’s Developmental Goal What is the skill that you would … Read more