need sunday

Research the duty-to-warn laws as they relate to mental health professionals in the state where you plan to practice. Also, note your state’s guidelines for responding to subpoenas. If you reside or will be practicing in California, refer to California state law.  700- to 1,050-w0rd pap3r in which you explain whether the law in your … Read more

case analyst

  Begin by briefly summarizing the main events of the case. Then identify any, and all problematic issues in the case and try to pinpoint the ‘root cause’ of these conflicts or difficulties. Who, if anyone, was to blame for the problems that this organization faced? Why did these organizational actors make the decisions that they made? … Read more

good life

. What do you understand as “the good life”? Do you think it is important to “live the good life”? Why or why not? And how will the study of philosophy, especially ethics, either enhance or inhibit your ability to “live the good life?” Explain your answer.  


Question: Why is the rise of China a positive development for Russia, according to Russia today? Need to make 10 powerpoints slides All resources and information attached


  Review the Learning Resources on psychological development. Review Dani’s case in the Social Work Case Studies interactive media in the Learning Resources. Consider Dani’s case, focusing on any high-risk behaviors she may be exhibiting. BY DAY 3 Post a brief explanation of the high-risk behaviors that Dani is exhibiting. Describe the theoretical approaches and … Read more


  Review the Learning Resources on the research hypothesis and its purpose. Consider the problem you have identified, the research question, and your initial reading of the peer-reviewed research articles. Based on these, generate a research hypothesis. Note: If your research question is qualitative, for the purposes of this Discussion, consider how you would change the … Read more

Health Care

  We have covered patient confidentiality in our previous courses. Keeping in mind the scenario from Module 1 and Sara’s situation: Discuss healthcare workers’ privacy and confidentiality in ensuring all workers are safe in the worksite? Describe the role of the manager versus a leader in this scenario and how this situation should be handled.


  In the scenario from Module 1, we see a co-worker of Sara displaying symptoms of TB. View the video by Scientific Animations Without Borders. (2012). Tuberculosis Prevention in English. Retrieved from before responding to the following questions: How could have the organization prevented the likelihood of Sara and her co-worker contracting the disease? Explain. … Read more


  Imagine you are suffering from mental illness in the 1800s: You find yourself in a dank basement of a hospital, surrounded by other people in the same situation—some of them quite debilitated. They are only barely clothed, despite the cold conditions. Occasionally, members of the community come to stare at you, as if you … Read more