Individual Written Case Analysis Report

Assessment Task Individual Written Case Analysis / Report  Word Count: 3,000 words

For this assignment, you have a choice between two cases related to the module’s core Grant textbook. You must choose ONE and do a written individual case analysis, in the form of a management report, which addresses the questions detailed below relating to your chosen case. All questions carry equal weight.

Case A:    HAIER GROUP – Internationalisation Strategy

1. What are the main features of Haier’s internationalisation strategy since the early 1990s and how does it differ from the pattern of internationalisation typical of Western enterprises?

2. How successful has Haier’s internationalisation strategy been and why?

3. What are the principal features of Haier’s management system and how do they differ from those traditionally deployed by Western companies? What lessons might be drawn by a) other Chinese companies and b) by Western enterprises?

Case B:   WL GORE & ASSOCIATES – Rethinking Management, Motivation & Innovation

1. What are the distinctive features of WL Gore’s organisation and management and to what extent do they represent an approach based upon identifiable management principles?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of WL Gore’s approach to organisation management, employee motivation and organisational innovation?

4. To what extent is the WL Gore approach transferable to other companies? And if it is, to what types of companies and why?


1. In support of your analysis you should draw on material and references from all your MBA modules, as well as make sure to read the relevant chapters in Grant’s textbook.

2. It is recommended that you identify which strategy and management concepts will enable you to analyse the case. These will help you see the company in a broader context, rather than simply focusing on the company and the case material. 

3. Key to success will be to think and write strategically. Don’t get lost in detail. Analyse the case material then add value through comment and opinion as you discuss the questions.