MD3 Dis1

To prepare: Review the motivational video you created for the Module 2 Assignment. Consider the Learning Resources from this course thus far on educational change and leadership, data-driven decision making, and collaboration for social change. How might you use those resources and those you found on your own to support the points you make in … Read more

Module 2 dis 2 7900

 BUILDING A COLLABORATIVE TEAM Collaboration leverages diverse perspectives and skills and can promote creativity and productivity.” – Morel, 2014, p. 3 As you review the contributions of your colleagues representing members of Mayor Keller’s task force in Module 2 Discussion 1, reflect on their perspectives and relevant data. Through this process, you will learn about … Read more

research oncology

  You are the Director of Nursing in an Oncology Unit in a large teaching medical center that is university-affiliated. You are concerned that the IV catheter insertion technique and orientation program currently being used with new registered nurses is not as effective as other methods. How would you perform a systematic review of the … Read more

Week 6 Discussion

Consequences of Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse All human services professionals are included under mandated reporting statutes. Discuss both the positive consequences and the negative or unintended consequences of mandated reporting of child abuse. Analyze the implication of mandated reporting in delivering services to clients identifying challenges you would face in planning and providing services … Read more

power point presentation on Bitcoin

for your problem slide: just write people are losing millions of dollars to Bitcoin scammers. THEN in your presentation, tell the story of the senior citizen next slide remove “in this situation” to save $3! As your title is recommendation, you can remove “it is recommended that. Above are comments from professor to re submit … Read more


International healthcare often intertwines with human rights issues. One of these issues concerns child brides. Throughout the world, the problem of early, forced marriage of children is considered to be a violation of basic human rights. Most of the continuation of marrying girls off early (between the ages of 7 and 16), often to much … Read more

7900 Dis Md2

To prepare: • Read the Fullan (2016) chapters for this module, noting the drivers that contribute to successful change and those elements that undermine it. Think about the educational and community changes you and the task force are envisioning for Grand City and how you might collaborate to implement these changes. • Read the Reed … Read more

Eds module 1.dis 2

For this Discussion, you will evaluate programs within your specialization to determine target areas of improvement for educational and social change in Grand City. To prepare: • Review all Learning Resources for this module. Think about the meaning of educational change, the impact of data collection on change initiatives, and the impact of positive social … Read more

Ethical Issues in Research

  The role of nursing in research analysis for improving practice environments and patient outcomes cannot be understated. As you might be aware, research outcomes play a major role in evidence-based nursing practice. You will be formulating research questions; collecting, summarizing, and interpreting data; and understanding the elements of research design. For this assessment, you … Read more


   Give an explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy and explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for … Read more