
  Now that you have worked hard on your final project, I want to give you the opportunity to share your course project with your classmates. Directions Please respond to this post and include the following: A BRIEF summary of your project . What did you choose to work on for your final project and … Read more

psy diss

  For your initial post this week, answer the questions below either through a 2-paragraph summary (3-5 sentences minimum each paragraph), or you can simply number your responses.  Don’t forget to engage with at least 2 of your classmates in a meaningful way. Time to finish strong! 1. Thinking back to last module….Which psychological disorder … Read more

Ethic Decision 6

  You are a corrections officer in a facility and have been for 13 years. There is an inmate, who has been there as long as you and is in custody for embezzlement. You and he have become “friends” over the years and often sit and discuss current affairs, etc. He asks you a favor … Read more

Ethic Decision 5

 In some States, when a person is convicted of first-degree murder and there is no death penalty, they are given a sentence of “Life, without parole.” Do you think parole or early release should be an option? Explain your reasoning and justification for your decision. Discuss the relationship between prison population and sentencing policies.

statistical method 6

 Find two academic articles that have been published that use regression analysis to answer a specific research question.  Review and critique these studies.  Be sure to identify the important components of the research (ie independent and dependent variable, data group, etc.). 

Discussion post for 6541 wk 1

Post a brief introduction of yourself that includes an explanation of your strengths and challenges as they apply to pediatrics and the role of a Family Nurse Practitioner. Also explain your career goals and objectives, and how your work in this course can help to accomplish those goals and objectives as a Family Nurse Practitioner. Use your research … Read more

Week 4 5300

The stigmas associated with mental illness and substance abuse have created a barrier which prevents many people from receiving services. How have recent national legislation or policy efforts helped or hurt the battle against these stigmas? What can be done in the future from a national policy perspective to reduce these stigmas? As a human … Read more

Discussion paragraphs on Topic : Secure Internet of Things

You will use the following workshop activities completed in class to help you write your complete draft of your discussion section: Activity: Discussion, Para. 1 Activity: Discussion, Para. 2 Activity: Discussion, Para. 3                                                              References Azka & Revathi, S. (2017). Protocols for secure internet of things. Journal of Education and Engineering, 7(2), 20. Poulter, A. … Read more

assignment 2

  For this journal entry: 1.  Communication is the heart of nursing. What does that mean to you? 2.  What does your own image of caring look like?  3. What types of items would you expect to see at a patients bedside that would alert you to a patients spirituality?  4. Do nurses have a … Read more