Wk 4, ACC 543: DR 2

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Bill Berry Relation of Cost and Perspective Hi All, Costs are also in the eye of the beholder. For example, to Marriott International, each hotel is a variable cost as it can be open or closed … Read more

Wk 4, ACC 543: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Bill Berry Theme Hi All, There is a theme here. Often, senior managers implement a system without making sure everything is in place for that implementation. Often this includes both training and culture. In terms … Read more

APA , Nursing

Kindly respond to the following discussion post. 250words, apa format and 1-2 references Thank you. Nursing Scope of Practice is a set of rules/laws and regulations that nurses are required to follow while practicing as nurses. These rules/laws and regulations help guide our practice and help protect the patient as well as the nurse. Each … Read more

APA , Nursing

Please respond to the discussion post. 250 words, 1-2 references, APA format Thank you. The Nurse Practice Act gives authority to regulate the practice of nursing and the enforcement of the law to the Board of Nursing, which is responsible for maintaining the balance between the rights of the nurse to practice nursing and the … Read more

Nursing/ H Promotion/ Discussion/Week 16

  Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible primary interventions that could service to help prevent or reduce HT. The discussion must … Read more

what you care about ?

  Introduction At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not going to ask you to go to war, but we are going to ask you to think about what ideals or values you believe would be worth … Read more


 Topic :    Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtime · Why is nurse’s workload so heavy? · Are good mandatory nurses after working five days straight?  · Does patients get healthcare, if nurses are mandatory overtime and the lack of adequate nurse staffing can result in longer lengths of stay, patient dissatisfaction, higher … Read more

Interprofessional Collaboration

Directions: You will prepare a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation meeting the following criteria. Content should be only on the slides. Please do not use the speaker notes area. Interprofessional collaboration is essential for advanced nursing practice and the success of the healthcare team. It is crucial to remember that all healthcare team members are … Read more

Healthcare Delivery and Policy

Why is it important for healthcare managers and policymakers to understand the intricacies of the healthcare delivery system? As an advanced practice nurse, how would you get involved in the process of legislation?  **Please give at least 2 scholarly references from the past 5 years in APA 7th ed format. **Please keep the Turnitin report … Read more


  What makes a team effective in terms of achieving expected outcomes for patients, staff, students, and agencies? What situations or conditions make it difficult for teams to work together? **Please cite at least 2 scholarly references from the past 5 years in APA 7th ed format. **Please keep the Turnitin report as close to … Read more