Wk 4, MHA 506: DR 1

APA format 175 – 265 words Cite at least one (1) peer-reviewed reference Respond to the following:   Dr. Ricci Rizzo You described the nature of some of the research challenges facing pharmaceutical companies. The mounting cost of research can be daunting, and the extensive range of skills needed continues to expand. Increased collaboration within … Read more

mod 4

 I ATTACHED OUR TWO CLIFTON STRENGHTHS FINES RESULTS AND THE VALUE, PERSONAL, BELIEFS AND PERSONAL BIAS ASSIGNMENT IS THE ONE THAT I UPLOAD Use the perspectives and understandings about yourself that you have gained from both the Clifton Strengths Finder assessment and the Values, Beliefs, and Personal Bias assignment to identify a cause that is … Read more

ldr values

  Assignment Goals: 1. Students will provide a list of 10 values in rank order. 2. Students will write a mission statement that guides your professional and or individual direction and goals. 3. Students will create 2-3 goals based on their values and mission statement. 4. Students will evaluate a social issue within the context … Read more

Discussion 3

  Discussion 3 – Technology is born, lives and Dies. Like us. 108108 unread replies.108108 replies. Do some research online and find a technology that is dying or died recently. It was important but It’s not used anymore. There are not enough users for a company to continue making the products or another technology has … Read more

APA , Nursing

Please respond to the discussion post below. 250 words, APA format, and 2 references. School nurses are governed by the Board of Nursing in their state, the state nurse practice act, and the nursing code of ethics, but also the department of education (“Iowa.gov,” 2021). This means that school nursing requirements and legal scope of practice … Read more

Supreme Court Police Rulings

 Review  articles and media on the Supreme Court decisions related to policing. Explore contemporary Supreme Court cases related to the case you selected. Use the Supreme Court of the United States blog or articles to find a contemporary case related to policing or corrections. Using APA format with at least 3 references write a 4 … Read more

Creswell textbook chapter 9

Chapter 9: Qualitative Methods What are some ways that qualitative research characteristics are fundamentally different from quantitative research? Consider a research study you might conduct. What is the role of gatekeepers? To what extent do you think having data analysis in qualitative research goes hand-in-hand with data collection, and write-up of findings may cause confusion … Read more

Week 2

Provide an overview of social disorganization theory. What are some of the more significant findings that Shaw and McKay (1942) made in their research?  Sampson and Groves expanded the concept of social disorganization by incorporating the idea of collective efficacy.  What is collective efficacy and how does the concept relate to crime prevention strategies?

APA , Nursing

*A Substantive post/reply includes ALL of the following: (1) At least 250 words in length (not including the question or reference listed at the end of the post); (2) Includes at least one (1) source properly cited per APA format WITHIN the post; (3) Includes the cited source properly referenced/listed at the end of the … Read more

Nursing/Health Policy/ 11

  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of collaborating with physician organizations when pursuing FPA legislation. The discussion must address the topic. Rationale must be provided 400 words Minimum of two scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published