Unit 4 Art

Instructions For this assignment, you will select a 2D print from your home, workplace, or online art museum gallery that interests you. Please see chapter 8 for the various mediums of printmaking. Take a photograph of the 2D print or save an image of the print and include it in the worksheet. In the Unit … Read more


1.Choose an Article from Orlando news or cnn and do this  2. (This is a different assignment) so for this assignment all you need to do is the mla heading and fill in with my information. 

Unit 3 Art Homework

Instructions Blog Post For this assignment, you will select a painting from an online gallery to discuss via an audio or video blog post. Select an approach described at length in the unit lesson such as technical, historical, and observational. Indicate which approach you will take. Record your discussion of the artwork and end your … Read more

Art Analysis

  DIRECTIONS Choose any artwork from your textbook. Download, open and type into this black critique form.rtf . Save, and upload to the link provided at the end of Module 2 Learning Module. This CRITIQUE SHEET Help.pdf provides you with an outline of the criteria. View Student Example.pdf .

Art discussion

In this module, we looked at a variety of styles in the Renaissance in Italy.  Artists like Botticelli, Bellini, Michelangelo, and Bronzino all incorporated Renaissance characteristics into their works, and yet their works look different from each other.   To address form and content in the artistic developments and trends that took place in the Renaissance, … Read more

Unit 2 Homework Art

Instructions For this assignment, you will select a 2D drawing from your home or in your workplace that interests you. Take a photograph of the 2D drawing or save the drawing image and include it in the worksheet. In the  Unit II Assignment Worksheet , answer questions about the drawing to identify the visual elements … Read more

Describe how this news affects factors other than revenue, which will then affect the company’s value.

  Scenario You have almost completed your analysis of Companies A and B and are scheduled to deliver your proposal to the board. While researching to ensure accurate and up-to-date data, you learn that two of Company B’s aircraft have been grounded over the past couple of months due to technical issues, one of which … Read more


Your post should be no longer than 2-3 paragraphs. Simply posting your opinion will not guarantee you any points for the week. You must be able to make intelligent connections between the discussion question topic and course content. Your response should reference relevant concepts, theories, and/or findings from the textbook, additional readings, and lectures.  1. What … Read more

Discussion 4

 Posting rules. You must reply to original questions/prompts by Thursday of each week. This counts as the online portion of the class and is how you get attendance for this meeting date. This is every week. All first posts must be 150 word minimum (no replies are required). All prompts must be answered for full … Read more