Unit 5 IP (4 Pages)

  Parsimony in statistical modeling is often discussed in terms of Occam’s razor in the formulation of hypotheses. Address the following: Discuss the issues of overfitting versus using parsimony and how this is particularly important in big data analysis. Is overfitting more of a problem in the generalized least squares model? Discuss some hierarchical methods … Read more

Write a k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify the Iris data-set.

Write a k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm to classify the Iris data-set. Write both correct and wrong predictions. Write the best ML library that can be used for this problem. Link for Iris Data-set: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/iris Write a two page case study with the below details: Description of attributes of the given data-set. Determine the best feature used … Read more

Bigdata Project Centers in Chennai

best bigdata project centers in chennai?        1Crore project is the best project center in chennai. we provide best quality big data project It have huge volume data set on your  project and analyse your data set on software processing management . For more information visit our website. 

Tranforming data

  Visit the Transforming Data with Intelligence website, Trends in Analysis section by clicking HERE. Explore the many different articles that are available, and select one that is most interesting to you. Then, in a 3-5-page written response in APA format: Summarize the article. (no more than 5 sentences)  What is the author arguing in … Read more

Big data

  You have had the opportunity to consider business intelligence tools and see how a few work.  What is the impact on having the right business intelligence tools available to you as an employee?  What are some of the most significant benefits of adopting these tools as it pertains to employee achievement and the work … Read more


Start your paper with an introductory paragraph. total 7-9 pages and references at least 4 sources cited. Prompt 1 Blockchain (2-3 pages): Explain the major components of a blockchain. Be sure to include how blockchain is affecting the global economy and how you see it growing in the future. Prompt 2 Big Data (2-3 pages): … Read more