M4 Discussion

Answer the following question in complete sentences.  Use evidence from the article to support claims made. LINK TO ARTICLE: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/08/31/the-terrible-teens 1.  Why would it be unethical to experiment with alcohol and adolescent humans as mentioned in the start of the article? 2.  What according to the article is the function of the frontal lobes? 3. … Read more


Since humans survived on plants for thousands of years, discuss the ways in which plants are involved in many of the environmental issues and to how and to what extent have humans affected their natural environment?  describe your understanding of the concept, add information to that concept and lastly pose a question to the class so that they … Read more

308# ch 3&4

Students are to read Chapter 3 “Just Words? Language” from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards by Graeme Goldsworthy answering the following questions: What did you learn about from the reading? Do you agree or disagree with the author, explain why? What stood out to you most, and why? What was the … Read more

308#ass CH1&2

Students are to read Chapter 1 “Serving Two Masters: Mores” from Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards by Graeme Goldsworthy answering the following questions: What did you learn about from the reading? Do you agree or disagree with the author, explain why? What stood out to you most, and why? What was … Read more

discussion 4

Describe your go-to meal from any restaurant that you regularly go to. Include the name of the restaurant in your description.  What specific substitutions would you make to this meal to make it healthier? Would you feel comfortable asking your server to make these substitutions for you? Why or why not? Use the Cleveland Clinic … Read more

assignment 3

For this assignment, you will follow the NutritionCalc Plus Instructions document to input the information from your Food Journal assignment in Unit 2. You will analyze your report using the information from NutritionCalc.

HW280 Mapping the Mind-Body Divide

  Discussion Overview Discussion responses should be on topic, original, and contribute to the quality of the discussion by making frequent informed references to lesson materials and Seminars. Initial discussion responses should be around 150 words. Responses should be formatted using APA guidelines. Stress and Illness Relationship The assigned reading in this unit discusses the … Read more

Short Answer Questions

1. We have covered the diversity of the animal kingdom. Using 3 examples from the Animal diversity chart show trends in cephalization and life style. Please include the following words in your explanation: sessile, active, radial & bilateral symmetry, cephalization.  2. We have covered the diversity of the animal kingdom. Describe the heart chamber / … Read more

discussion 3

Choose your favorite meal that contains at least one “bad” carbohydrate. Explain to the class what “bad” carbohydrates are in this meal. How could you make substitutions to this meal to get rid of the “bad” carbohydrates and replace them with “good” carbohydrates?  Be creative! You can include pictures of your before and after meals. … Read more