During job interviews, potential employers often ask candidates to describe a time where they have demonstrated their initiative and/or results-driven skills. This week, you’ll have a chance to practice.   Describe a time at work, home, or school where there was a problem and you took the initiative to solve that problem and to seek … Read more


 Review the article “Four scenarios for the future of medicines and social policy in 2030” Research and cite at least one scholarly paper on the future of healthcare. Has your viewpoint changed as to your speculation about what the future might hold for healthcare? Did you change your mind about any of the ideas … Read more

Help with US History Homework

Text book — Norton, M.B. 2015 A People & a nation  Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An … Read more

Week 5 Discussion – Bank USA

  Review “Bank USA: Forecasting Help Desk Demand by Day” from the end of Chapter 9 in the textbook. Then, please use the information to respond to the following: From the case study, determine the challenges faced by the Help Desk at Bank USA and suggest strategies to mitigate them. Using the data on call … Read more

Discussion and respond to student

  Last  week in the discussion, you provided a project summary that included  scope and goals. Use a personal project to estimate a budget and  schedule. Using the information covered in the required readings,  describe the key components of your budget, as well as how long it will  take to complete your project.  After posting … Read more


  The paper will focus on personality type and career choice.  You will take an informal assessment that will approximate your personality type according to the dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Use the following website to take the assessment: After obtaining your results from the assessment, write a 5-to-7 page paper that … Read more


 -What are the reasons for drug prices being so high in the United States as compared to other advanced nations globally? -How much is spent on pharmaceuticals in the United States annually? -Alternate medicine has become increasingly popular in the United States.  What are the primary reasons for this occurring? -Do alternate medical treatments work … Read more

Week 4 Discussion – Layouts and Approaches

  Please respond to the following: Facility Design must be integrated into and support both Job and Process Design. From the list below, which design would best fit your work environment and why? Provide a summary about how your selection applies.  Process Layout Cellular Layout Fixed-Position Layout Facility Layout in Service Organizations Designing Product Layouts … Read more


  -Define the categories of technology utilized in the healthcare industry today? -What role will artificial intelligence (AI) play in the evolution of healthcare services and care delivery? -Is there a correlation between healthcare costs and advances in medical technology in the United States? -Is technology overused and abused in the United States?


State your position on the Affordable Care Act. Research the facts that support and disagree with your position.  Discuss your objective analysis, based on research, of the pros and cons the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. Do not use opinion editorials, magazine articles, political websites etc. What drove the passage of the … Read more