Week 6 Discussion – Organizational Decisions

  Please respond to the following: Detail the impact of the following decision-making models: rational decision-making model, bounded rationality decision-making model, the intuitive decision-making model, and the creative decision-making model. How does each decision-making model help improve a company’s effectiveness? https://www.linkedin.com/learning/management-foundations-2013/making-business-decisions?autoplay=true&u=57878161 https://www.linkedin.com/learning/management-tips/using-positive-power-and-politics?autoplay=true&u=57878161


 Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, … Read more


What is meant by “presentation of financial statement information in common-size amounts rather than dollar amounts?” Why is this type of presentation sometimes more meaningful than the use of actual dollar amounts? Why is a trend just as important if not more important than information that pertains to only one year? Review the attachments of … Read more


 The COVID-19 pandemic has a created a worldwide and largely unexpected shock for all businesses large and small.  Some firms have fared very well while others are struggling or have closed.  However, significant disruptions, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, also create a fertile ground for innovation (creating new or improved business models, processes, services, or … Read more


1. see attachment and use your own words to answer questions around 250 words 2. use your own words to reply one classmate around 50 words (I will post classmate answer this weekend)  plagiarism check under 17%

real app

develop a real-world application paper on Six Sigma. Select a company that you work for now or have worked for in the past, or a company in your community of which you have sufficient knowledge. Show how the selected technique/concept would be applied to that particular business in its strategic allocation of financial resources. Your … Read more


Review the web site https://kanbanize.com/agile/project-management/methods/ as a resource to complete the “Aligning Agile Methodologies Worksheet” (attached). Select the most appropriate agile methodology for approaching the project for each of the five story problems. Justify your selection. In the “Methodology or Combination of Methodologies” column of the worksheet, list the methodology or combination (blend) of methodologies … Read more

Week 5 Discussion – Productivity

  Jack Welch, GE’s former CEO, said, “We now know where productivity comes from. It comes from challenged, empowered, excited, rewarded teams of people.” Explain how group dynamics, team characteristics, team leadership, and team management all play a vital role in company productivity.  https://youtu.be/uG-FLOi4OOU 

Alinma Bank is Publicly Listed Saudi Company That Operates In GCC, And Write A (Minimum Of 1000 Word)

 Require academic answers ASAP!? Free plagiarism, I need at least 8 Academic references in APA style (is important to write the references in APA style)Require check for plagiarism in TURINIT    Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a (minimum of 1000 word): ( I choose Alinma Bank)   1. Present … Read more


 After examining various financial statements that are prepared for use by internal and external stakeholders.  Why are externally presented reports required to be prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles while internally presented managerial accounting reports are not? How can a misstatement in one financial statement, whether intentional or not, affect a presentation in another … Read more