Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a (minimum of 1000 word)

     Require academic answers ASAP!?  Free plagiarism, I need at least 8 Academic references in APA style (is important to write the references in APA style) Require check for plagiarism in TURINIT Select any publicly listed Saudi Company that operates in GCC, and write a (minimum of 1000 word) :   1. Present the study … Read more


After the OPEC oil embargo in the 1970s, price controls were placed on gas markets that did not allow price to rise to the market-clearing level. Gas shortages resulted as did black markets. Use the analysis provided in Chapters 1- 6 on the use of price controls to discuss whether price controls likely hurt or … Read more


Now that you have identified the topic of your business report and the type of research you will be conducting (primary, secondary), please submit a summary of your research.  1. Submit a review of at least two articles (or review of company financials/strategic plan/other relevant company documents that make sense for you to review). Minimum … Read more

DB 3 730

After reading Chapters 17, 18, 19, and 20 in the Blocher Text, submit a thread of at least 600 words examining the relationship between Lean, Six Sigma, and strategic allocation of financial resources. Then, use the Bible, Keller text, and other sources to provide biblical application of the concepts. Support your thread by citing at … Read more


  WIM’s transition to ERP Welding Industries Malaysia (WIM) is the only local Malaysian company that manufactures welding machines for commercial use. WIM’s remarkable success story, which includes surviving the 1997/8 financial crisis and the rise of competition from China, is attributable to the very effective enterprise resource planning (ERP) system it has adopted. In … Read more

Marketing Objectives & Issues

  This assignment is to develop a new product in the sporting goods industry that you would like to market.    Product Idea:  Snowboarding Smart Goggles   Features: Display direction & Speed/GPS Connect camera function/phone  Temperature/weather conditions display  Lighting Measurable objectives and goals that your startup wants to attain Identify any issues or future challenges that need to … Read more