M6 Discussion Question

Part I. Initial Post Address the following: Considering current global challenges, how might leaders utilize servant leadership to promote diversity and globalization? Identify at least 3 global challenges in your initial discussion post. 3-4 paragraphs plus references

Salary Negotiation Letter

Salary Negotiation Letter (Counteroffer) Before interviewing for a job, you must do job research and find out what the current salary range is. For this letter, you need to do this research and compose a letter negotiating for a salary five thousand dollars more than what is being offered to you by the company.  Treat this as … Read more


From your experiences in teams, researchers tend to think that smart teams have special characteristics do you agree that smart teams have special characteristics? Why or why not?

Unit 3 AS: Value Proposition

Identify Benefits of Your Business Idea in the Value Proposition. The value proposition addresses one question: why is your solution best? In our textbook, a value proposition is defined as small business owners’ unique selling points (or benefits) that customers can expect from your goods or services including benefits that differentiate your offering from those … Read more

Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred. Analyze the health care law that was violated in the selected case. Evaluate the implications of the selected law on the health care system.

1 pg. Analyze a court case where a health care law violation occurred.   “The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records”  One of the biggest security breaches ever was the cyber-attacks of 2015. In the year 2015 the HIPPA law act was violated through hackers over 78 million times. The … Read more