[Email Support] I8O5.738.61OO Outlook Customer Care Number

   Outlook customer care number I 8O5-738-61OO Outlook customer service number I8O5-738-61OO personal information manager, consists of many elements such as calendar, contact manager, task manager, notes, notes, web browsing and mail application. Among all these features, Outlook is generally considered as an email application. Whether you need Outlook for personal or business use, all … Read more

program manager update

Add 3 additional slides to attached powerpoint   When rating health care around the world, show how the health care rankings for each country can be used to justify the need for health care reform in these countries. Choose 2 low-income countries that you feel will benefit from health care reform, and explain why you … Read more


You are the Program Manager, and you are trying to decide on the best course of action to decrease incidence and prevalence of  Cholera. You must decide from the data which population is most at-risk and decide on the most appropriate intervention to which you should allocate funds. To do this, you need to see … Read more

Health Care

 What are your thoughts about the debate regarding whether health care is a right or a privilege? How has the changing health care environment impacted your practice?   Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 

oklahoma health

 This week, you will write a brief report on the risk factors and social determinants of health that impact your Oklahoma. In your report, answer the following in 3-4 pages, cite all references in APA  What are the risk factors that promote health conditions in your community? What are the social determinants of health in … Read more

Discussion 2

Financial reporting is critical to the success of any organization because this is how managers and other stakeholders evaluate the sustainability and profitability of an organization. The healthcare industry accounts for nearly 20% of the US GDP as of 2018 (BEA, 2019). While there is guidance for financial reporting to the respective government agencies, there … Read more

Culturally Competent Care for Native Americans

  Based on the readings, viewing the online materials & resources on the Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of Native Americans?  Initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least … Read more