
 find, read and review two (2) “External Authoritative Sources” (defined below), discussing assault and battery in a medical setting.    Provide a separate paragraph narrative for each of the two (2) required  “External Authoritative Sources Each source shall be substantively cited in a narrative paragraph using proper APA style

Blue Ocean Strategy

  Please read the following Harvard Business Review Article: . Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne OCTOBER 2004 Please, answer for your INITIAL posting and discuss the following questions: 1. Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS article.   Your Detailed – Comprehensive Summary for THIS article post should be no less of … Read more


  Dear International Strategic Management Executives: Please read from our Textbook 1, the following Strategic Management case assigned for this Learning Module and please analyze and answer the following questions: 1. * What’s this Strategic Management Business Case about? (Executive Summary) 2.  * Detailed Financial Analysis refer to attached financial ratio tutorial pdf   Please explain, … Read more

Q1 Post 1

  Alma Faulkenberger is an 85-year-old female outpatient sitting in the waiting room awaiting an invasive pelvic procedure. The health care professional who will assist in her procedure enters the room and calls “Alma.” There is no reply so the professional retreats to the work area. Fifteen minutes later the professional returns and calls “Alma … Read more

Case Law Analysis – Contract Law Ant

Introduction In this introductory course to business law, you will examine real-world court decisions pertinent to the topics that you will be studying. This is not a course designed to train lawyers, and you are not expected to be an attorney-in-training. However, you will be asked to do a substantial amount of independent research in … Read more

Case Study – Sales Management

Read “Case 5.1: In Need of a Sales Rep”. For this assignment, answer the questions below; your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the required title page and reference page. In your response, make specific references to concepts that you learned in Chapter 5 and any other sources that … Read more


   Dear International Strategic Management Executives: . Please read from our attached  Textbook 1 Case 26: PROCTER & GAMBLE, the following Strategic Management case assigned for this Learning Module and please analyze and answer the following questions: Answer Question 1-4 —————————————————————————————————————————- 1. * What’s this Strategic Management Business Case about? I.E Executive Summary   Executive Summaries … Read more

Case Study

  Read the case study Yeti in 2020; and answer each of the questions on the attached document.  Please follow these instructions when completing Case Studies: Each question will have a minimum required number of paragraphs or pages, please meet these requirements to maximize your earned points. If a question requires paragraphs, paragraphs at this … Read more

Case Study

  It was all so hard to explain. He said it took months, yet it has happened so suddenly that it is difficult to say where to start. He had been a very successful contractor, more successful than he had ever expected. Then he underbid a project and lost money; his foreman quit and became … Read more

terrorist financing individual project

Identify, describe, and analyze the issue of terrorist financing. In 2–3 pages, address the following: Identify and craft a clear Problem Statement on a terrorist financing issue. Introduce the issue and why it is important.  Research and develop further discussion and background of your identified problem to outline some of the key issues that frame … Read more