
  Instructions Read the assigned reading from the chapter. Then choose ONE of the questions below to answer. Answer the question you chose in a response that is a minimum of 1-2 paragraphs. Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and … Read more


you need to write a full CV with all it’s main components, taking in your consideration to write the CV parts in order and in an attractive shape. HARD SKILLS , SOFT SKILLS  notes: female , culinary arts management student , no previous work experience  if you have any questions please let me know

Final 6161

This is the conclusion of the final project. This week, you will submit the two deliverables after incorporating any facilitator’s feedback: The new Web interface prototype A report that exhaustively documents the original conditions and the changes made to the Web interface Until this week, you highlighted the flaws present in the Web interface and … Read more

Week 2 discussion 6161

The ID process is most often a group activity. Communication and collaboration are dominant throughout the ID process. The communication aspect is especially essential to facilitate collaboration. Is it important to consider different types of communication when designing a product? Why? What impact does each communication type have on human-computer interaction (HCI)? Provide an example … Read more

Week 4 discussion

Analyze the case and describe how the company mentioned was able to develop a successful IT strategy. How did the company plan and implement the strategy? How is the company supported by the IT strategy? You should identify at least three scholarly and independent sources utilizing services such as (but not limited to) Google or … Read more


Considering the patient advocacy efforts of the nurse who was unjustly detained for refusing to comply with an unlawful request by law enforcement officers, interview a leader in a health organization eliciting an advocacy story highlighting the power of the nursing voice. Evaluate the power the nursing organization gives the individual nurse to advocate for … Read more

Week 4 discussion k

An article advocating centralized management of the IT function An article advocating user-dominated management of IT Discuss your findings in each article and present your analysis of which aspects of each method seem most beneficial to the companies mentioned overall. The identified articles should be scholarly and independent sources.

Week 3 discussion j

What is change control and why does it need to be managed? Give two examples of the impact of mismanagement. Why does a network require constant monitoring to determine the percentage of its capacity being used? Explain the potential results of not monitoring capacity usage. Define bandwidth. Why does a company need standards regarding who … Read more

Week 1 discussion

Pick an enterprise of your choice. You may use an actual enterprise, or a fictional enterprise you defined for your case studies in previous courses. Research the company and develop a 300-word report in a Microsoft Word document that: Describes the IT impact and strategic alignment of the chosen company. Provides an assessment of the … Read more