Research help on General Deterrence theory with theory model to adopt for paper

Theory/Model/Variables – About 10 to 15 pages Overview of General Deterrence theory/model being used and how it evolved. adopt a model design that can be used for this research on cyber security vulnerabilities in Intelligent transportation systems Literature Review – About 25 pages Theory/model/Variables “In Action”. All the literature on the how’s, when’s, and results … Read more

Zappos – Cybersecurity

Describe a company (Zappos, )  that is using social networking to stay competitive. Indicate the way its business is affected through the use of social networking. Paper should relate to some of the related concepts as specified in chapter 8 and chapter extension 3, 11. Besides, appropriate concepts outlined in other chapters can also … Read more


 How is the regulation of security and trustworthiness on the Internet likely to develop? Will the private sector improve trust online? Will governments have to step in more? Will public confidence in the Internet decline to such a great extent that other infrastructures will become more popular 

Google – Cybersecurity

 Outline how businesses have protected themselves from cybersecurity threats, and its impact on their working and competitiveness. Suggest a company (Google) that handled cybersecurity threats and developed mechanisms to maintain its working and competitiveness. Paper should relate to some of the related concepts as specified in chapter 10, chapter extension 14, and “Cybersecurity Portfolio.pdf” file … Read more


 Many believe that complete security is infeasible. Therefore, we are left with incomplete security. Generally, the greater the security, the greater the cost. Discuss how one should weigh the benefits and associated costs of security. 


  Exercise 1:  If an organization has three information assets to evaluate for risk management purposes, as shown in the list below, which vulnerability should be evaluated for additional controls first? Which vulnerability should be evaluated last? A CRM-Server that is connected to the Internet. It has two vulnerabilities: susceptibility to hardware failure, with a … Read more


(a) How many policy documents does the ISO 27000 standard provide? Briefly describe the content areas covered by each of them. (b) Compare the ISO 27000 series of documents with the NIST documents discussed in Chapter 8. Which areas, if any, are missing from the NIST documents? Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the NIST … Read more