Database Management Sysytems

Consider the ER diagram shown in Figure 3.22, p. 99 for part of a BANK database (also below for reference). Each bank can have multiple branches, and each branch can have multiple accounts and loans. (chapter 3, pp. 79-99; also see ER Notations, p.83) (a) List the strong (nonweak) entity types in the ER diagram. … Read more

storage devices

  Please write in about 200 words in APA format with in-text citation for below questions.   1) Many users do not yet feel comfortable storing data within the cloud. Discuss some steps you can take to reduce their concerns. (50 words) 2) List the pros and cons of cloud-based data storage. (50 words) 3) Define and … Read more

ER Diagram Assignment

  Homework 2 Homework 2, Problem 1, United Nations Draw an entity-relationship diagram for the following case. The United Nations wants to develop a global database, tracking countries, cities, and multinational companies. For each country, the UN wants to store its name, capital, population, and size. The UN assigns each city in the world a … Read more


Role of IT in Organizations:   There are two parts to this activity.  The first part involves researching concrete examples of organizations using technology to reinvent themselves in some manner. The second part will be to look for generalized themes from those examples and develop a summary of what you learned about the impact of … Read more

Search Engines & Databases

  What search engines or databases are you using to identify the articles for your Weekly Article Summary assignment? What key words are you using for your search? Have they been effective in finding articles that are relevant to your clinical practice? Include rationale. Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted … Read more

Database wk5

16.2 Why are disks, not tapes, used to store online database files? 16.27  What are SATA, SAS, and FC protocols? 17.4. How does multilevel indexing improve the efficiency of searching an index file? 17.5. What is the order p of a B-tree? Describe the structure of B-tree nodes. 17.6. What is the order p of … Read more

Dbs wk5

 16.3: Define the following terms: disk, disk pack, track, block, cylinder, sector, interblock gap, and read/write head. 17.1: Define the following terms: indexing field, primary key field, clustering field, secondary key field, block anchor, dense index, and nondense (sparse) index.  19.5: What is meant by cost-based query optimization?

Database wk3

1.What is the impedance mismatch problem? Which of the three programming approaches minimizes this problem? 2,Describe the concept of a cursor and how it is used in embedded SQL. 3.Why are scripting languages popular for programming Web applications? Where in the three-tier architecture does a PHP program execute? Where does a JavaScript program execute? 4 What … Read more