
1.  Market Outlook.  Describe current and expected market conditions, competition, and expectations for the coming years.    2. SWOT  Provide a SWOT analysis of your company. The SWOT is a Summary of the Situation Analysis. 

Wirecard Fraud

–  Detail what business(es) Wirecard was in – What products/services did it offer? –  Describe the fraudulent activities that company management engaged in. –  Who regulated Wirecard? Provide detailed jurisdictions and functions of the regulators. –  What could regulators of Wirecard have done differently to prevent fraud. Format: PPT Presentation with table of contents, executive … Read more


 Some politicians have suggested that the United States enact a constitutional amendment requiring that the Federal government balance its budget annually. Explain why such an amendment, if strictly enforced, could actually have a negative effect on the budget. 


If you were in Dahlgren’s place, would you pay the bribe or not? What would be your specific action? How would your actions impact the short-term or long-term future of IKEA in Russia and IKEA in general? What are the underlying reasons for your choice and proposed actions?


   Think about your workplace, organization, or industry; if you are not currently working, think about previous employment or a job that you are aiming for. The broader your perspective, the more likely you are to take into account the range of factors that you have been considering in this section. Identify at least two … Read more


   Dead line 11/8 swiss time You need to analyse the tools of the trade policy your countries are applying towards the trading partners. Country :China 1) describe the measures to protect the local producers (tariffs, quotas, subsidies) – the size, the products that are covered, the time when they are (were) applied; 2) what … Read more


 Choose one of the discussion board prompts from this course and write a 3 – 4 page paper.  Include a graph and table.  Cite a minimum of 5 sources.  The citing style is at your discretion; however, make sure the format is accurate.    Chapter 10 explores Externalities, positive and negative.  Climate change represents a … Read more


 Choose one of the discussion board prompts from this course and write a 3 – 4 page paper.  Include a graph and table.  Cite a minimum of 5 sources.  The citing style is at your discretion; however, make sure the format is accurate.  I choose this one:  Consider your current or past employer.  As a … Read more

Need ing help with ECO assignment

 requiring a 2–3 page paper assignment Economic Principles – Microeconomics in which you: ON AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY  In a few short paragraphs, describe your selected industry: Be sure to write in your own words. Identify some of the major companies in this industry. Identify the goods, and/or services this industry produces. Add anything else about … Read more


  The role of the family unit is critical in our development of individual identity and shapes our unique personality.  Multiple factors such as education levels, career choices, religious beliefs and practices, travel and exposure, interests and hobbies, and other significant factors in our family influence our identities.  Write an 8-10 page paper that addresses … Read more