Due Process and Procedural Safeguards

Using the following link, Procedural Safeguards Link: Part B Procedural Safeguards Notice: Florida (fldoe.org) (Links to an external site.) Complete the following two activities: 1. Develop a list of ten items that teachers of students with disabilities need to know about parents rights and explain.  (10 points) Be specific and thorough in your explanations, using complete sentences. … Read more

Diagnostic Case Scenario

  Each student who participates in the eligibility process for special education services is unique. The Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) has the responsibility of selecting the appropriate formal and informal assessments that best measure identified student strengths and needs. Teachers must possess the knowledge of the characteristics of informal and formal assessments to fully participate as … Read more

Clinical Field Experience A: Understanding Pre-Referral Assessments – The Classroom Teacher and Response to Intervention (RTI)

  RTI is a systematic pre-referral assessment process employed by school staff to ensure universal, targeted, and intensive individualized interventions are implemented prior to initiating the formal special education referral process. RTI requires collaboration with colleagues to select and develop RTI interventions and assessments to be administered to students. Teachers should have knowledge and skills … Read more


 After reflecting on the video and reading Chapters 3 and 4 from Wiggins and McTighe, please answer the following question: Using the Stage 1 template provided below, develop Stage 1 for your 1st lesson unit. Make sure you incorporate the Common Core Standard used and grade level.

wk 2 the dis

Think of a surprising or challenging practice situation in which you felt underprepared, unprepared, or uncomfortable. Select an important nursing issue/topic that was inherent to the identified situation. Briefly explain the situation Identify the nursing issue inherent in the identified situation As a method of refection, use Carper’s Patterns of Knowing to analyze the situation. In … Read more

Communication Plan

  The student will develop an electronic classroom management communication system using Class Dojo (Preferred) or a similar web 2.0 tool to keep parents informed of their child’s daily behavior and progress. Class Dojo tutorial:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH-_wJI4lQE The classroom must have 20-25 students. You must provide a screenshot image of your class.  The student will write … Read more

Case study: Impatient Parents

  The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for you to consider how to work with parents when conflicts, disagreements, or misunderstandings arise. Part 1: Case Analysis Respond to the case study by addressing the following: Brief summary of the case Identify the issues to be resolved Stakeholders involved in the issues … Read more

Reading Discussion-Illich

Here are questions for you to be thinking about before we begin our conversation this week.  Get started by jotting down your initial answer below and reading what others have written. Then make constructive comments on at least two other posts. Finally, once you’ve ready everyone’s posts and looked through responses, discuss how you might … Read more

refl wk 1 the

Write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your experience as you continue your journey to achieve your MSN and become a nurse practitioner talk about mental health nurse practitioner. What were the most important concepts you learned in this week? Why are these concepts important? How will they prepare you for your future role as a nurse … Read more

global education

Directions: After watching the video and reading Toward a Philosophy for Global Education, answer the following questions: From Toward a Philosophy of Global Education: 1.  Assess the relevance and significance of Universal Human Rights today (provide a specific example such as the Refugees crisis in Europe or the family separation policy in the United States. … Read more