dis reply wk 3 ap

Person-centered care means keeping the person at the center of the care provided. It requires looking at the patient as a whole and treating the entire person, not just their illness. It also means developing their care around their wishes and desired outcomes.  With person-centered care, the care you provide is dependent upon their current … Read more


  1.  Considering the life cycle of college/university student services (from recruitment through graduation), which components have the biggest impact on student success in your opinion? Describe two or three and support your position. 2.  Given demographic shifts and increased competition within higher education, what should today’s student affairs leaders be most aware of as they develop … Read more

External Factors

What external pressures would you need to consider in terms of curriculum planning and development in a school district? What internal pressure would you need to consider? How would you establish a plan for ongoing curriculum development and improvement in a school district? Why?  

dis wk 3-stu

the post should contribute to unique perspectives or insights gleaned from personal experience or examples from the healthcare field. Must completely answer the entire initial question. Must provide support from a minimum of two scholarly in-text citation with a matching reference. A scholarly resource is one that comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication. Contains references … Read more

discussion 4

Answer each question in 150 words using only the sources provided  1. In this week’s content we learned that some people process information peripherally whereas others process information centrally (Elaboration Likelihood Model).  One factor that can determines which route people use is one’s Need for Cognition (how much someone enjoys thinking).  If I told you … Read more

Key Components in Collaboration and Consultations

  Part 1: Components in Collaboration Matrix For this part of the assignment, complete Part 1 of the “Key Components in Collaboration and Consultations Template.” Summarize each key component of collaboration, based on information from your topic readings. In addition, explain how the key components tie into general and special education teachers’ roles and responsibilities … Read more


   Describe components of 2-3 theories that best align with your thoughts about teaching and learning and justify your responses. Again, these theories are not your original ideas, so I expect to see citations (either paraphrasing or direct quotes, but see video, too many direct quotes is not good). You must type this part of … Read more

7/14 School Finance Discussion

 Topic 1 Discussion Question 1Jul 14-16, 2022 Identify at least two resources (i.e., money, supplies, personnel, space) that support school facilities. Discuss the pros and cons of each and explain how these resources relate to the vision and planning aspects of the school budgeting process in relation to creating sustainable school improvement.  Topic 1 Discussion … Read more

regulation in early childhood setting

CECS MP005: Regulations in Early Childhood Short-Answer Response Assessment Submission Form Instructions This is a Short-Answer Response Assessment. Write your response to each prompt below in the space provided. Beneath the prompts is the Rubric, which will be used by the Assessor to evaluate complete responses.  Short Answer 1 Write a 4- to 5-sentence description … Read more