reflection st wk 1

write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. write about what you felt was most significant to you. What were the most important concepts you learned? The differences between a clinical nurse leader and the traditional advanced practice nursing roles. That at one point the clinical nurse leader was not considered an advanced … Read more

discussion st wk 1

Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions: What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that of a baccalaureate-prepared nurse? What is the value of a master’s … Read more

Field Experience B: Current Special Education Issues and Policies

  Special education teachers have a professional responsibility to be a self-directed learner and seek information related to current issues and policies within the district and state where they work. An understanding of legislation, policies, and procedures will guide compliance with regulations and improve interaction with other staff, families, and students.  Allocate at least 2 … Read more

topic 2 Q1

 Assessment Description Sister Mary is a patient in Level 2 Emergency Department. She must have a neural examination, physical assessment, radiographs of her facial bones, and a computed tomography scan of the head. Taking into consideration that she is a Roman Catholic nun, what would be the ideal course of patient education as this woman … Read more

Design Validity

Identify the types of design validity that should be considered when utilizing the survey approach? Select one specific type (e.g., sample characteristics) and provide an example detailing how one might avoid violating that particular type of validity.

Field Experience A: Advocacy

  Special education staff have a professional responsibility to advocate for their students and their families. When collaborating with families, there are often opportunities to empower families and help them find services and resources in the community. Awareness of disability advocacy organizations and their relationship with public schools will help the educator assist families as … Read more

sped observation

Prior to your field experience, review the requirements of all field experiences for this course. Create a document to share with your mentor teacher detailing your requirements for all field experiences for this course, as well as what is being requested of your mentor. This document should include the scheduling required to complete all assignments.  … Read more

inclusive classrooms presentation training

Special education teachers often provide training and support to general education teachers to promote successful inclusive practices in their classrooms. Understanding expectations, facilitating social skills, and designing and evaluating the effectiveness of positive learning environments helps all students, especially those with disabilities, learn and be productive in school. Create a 12-15 slide digital presentation, to … Read more