echd mod13 assignment

Investigate and gather referral information on any agencies that exist in your community to: Assist or support parents and children undergoing separation and divorce, such as counseling services, Parents Without Partners, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and the like. Assist parents and their children with special needs or help in the identification and early intervention … Read more


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Professional Development

  Creating and delivering effective presentations for adult learners means providing engaging and relevant instruction for the context. When planning effective professional development sessions, facilitators must consider best practices, andragogical principles, and biases held by themselves and their audience. In a 500-750 word , discuss effective presentation skills when delivering instruction to adult learners. Include … Read more


There are four domains needed to develop a curriculum: curriculum, assessment, standards, and instruction. Is one of the four a driving force? Are all equal players? How do you begin to design a curriculum? Are there any factors missing? Create a visual representation of how you believe these four domains interact to build a curriculum. … Read more

Understanding the research approval process

Determine what the process is for conducting research in your district/organization and describe it here (not Nova Southeastern University’s process, but your organization’s process). Then discuss how your study aligns/does not align with the requirements. If it does not align, please identify other research approaches. Additionally, please think about any potential issues you may have (e.g., gaining … Read more

Lack of education

The Global Societal Problem, Argument, and  Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.). Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and … Read more