
write about the photographer: Danny lion Answer the following questions in order: Introduce the photographer. Give us a little of their background. Tell us why they are notable.  Choose two of their photographs and embed Download embed/paste/attach them into your answer.  Describe in detail the images you just embedded/pasted/attached (at this point, you should know … Read more

dis 5

A. Discuss and explain the impact and why you are drawn to the subject/photographs. B. If you have an opportunity to produce a series as such, what subject would you document and why? Watch. the video below:

Unit 8

literary element (setting) explain the contextual references (historical, biographical, generic, and/or national) associated with it. You do not have to discuss all four contextual references, but try to cover as many as are relevant to the subject of your presentation. 


Discuss the aspects of your chosen vulnerable population.  Discuss the reason why is this group considered vulnerable. Discuss what are the most common communicable diseases in this population, and why.   Discuss barriers to healthcare and access to care for your vulnerable population.  Discuss how the issues this group is facing relate to community/public health nursing.

Select a short story or chapter of a novel.

  1. Select a short story or chapter of a novel. 2. Read it to be analyzed as your Final Presentation. 3. Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with your analysis. You will share in Class 7. Title Author/Biography Brief Summary Setting Characters/Characterization Problem /Conflict Plot Point of View Tone/Mood Theme Imagery Figurative language Opinion


How does Salman Rushdie’s incorporation of various pop/cultural/historical references reflect upon broader themes of Indian nationalism and postcolonialism? The recorded lecture will provide context to guide your response. As a part of your submission, include any other thoughts, impressions, etc. Do not summarize the story.


 Identify a vulnerable population or a community health issue and use what you have learned during this course using EBP to guide health technology, community resources, screening, outreach, referral and follow up to improve health outcomes in the communit

Research and EBP

Explain the interrelationship between theory, research and EBP. Identify and discuss the research question, sampling and sampling size, research design, hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings from a study related to your topic. 


After you have watched the documentary A State of Mind. Ask yourself: How does filmmaker Daniel Gordon’s documentary A State of Mind choose to represent the people of North Korea, especially the two girls? If you consider that documentaries can reflect ideologies and mediated perspectives, what seems to be the director’s intent here? Does this … Read more