Assignment 3

Each student will select and present a professional scholarly journal article which relates to a topic related to Middle/Later Adulthood. The article must center on an issue which effects individuals during the life cycle stage. Summarize the topic based on the article.  The Topic is Midlife Crisis for both males and female adults. Include how … Read more

english composition

  Watch the following video. In this motivational speech, Admiral McRaven gives us ten advices through ten different anecdotes. Write a paragraph of 200 words or more and no less than 10 sentences where you answer the following questions. What is your favorite anecdote/advice? Why? (provide two reasons) How do you put into practice … Read more

Family Guy 4

 Read the “Family Guy and Philosophy” excerpt of chapter 4 and answer the following questions. 1. How could societies/individuals promote religious diversity? No formal heading is necessary. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and a minimum of 250 words. ONLY ANSWER THE QUESTION. NO SUMMARY!

The objective of this group project is to provide an opportunity to learn about emerging and new digital technologies and how they could be leveraged for value creation in organizations. This is a task that will prep you for similar work you m

The report is a similar to the tech briefs developed by many professional tech analysts firms. It should provide a good over view of the technology, its history and evolution, its relative advantage, the supporting infrastructure and services needed to use the technology, standards, maturity of the technology and the suppliers and available products/services in … Read more

Eng Materials

Describe the materials used and how they contributed to society during the Stone Age and Bronze Age. .  4 page HOUSES FOOD & FAMILY WORK TOOLS & WEAPONS ARTS & CRAFTS


 the topic is: veganism impact. The research questions are: 1. what is the impact of veganism on natural and environment is long term health impacted by a vegan diet  articles: Forrest, C. (2022). Potential Risks of Vegan Diet. Clean Eating Kitchen. Retrieved 21  September 2022, from health/. Kale, S. (2019). The 14 things … Read more


       A. Divide   the following words into the smallest meaningful units and describe how the   words are formed, i.e. describe the morphological processes   (derivation, inflection) involved. (5 points) 1- Indescribable 2- Truthfulness 3- Announcements B. Draw trees representing the morphological   structure of these words (1, 2, & 3). (5 points)


I need help with this  Susan Glaspell’s play “Trifles” (pgs. 693-703) 1. Title Implications: Explain what the word “trifles” means. Do you think it is a fitting title? 2. Symbolic Setting.                   Where is the murder site/ farmhouse located? B.  Inside the house: List two things that let the audience “feel” how literally cold it … Read more

The Castle of Otranto

Answer all of the questions (you can use the internet to help you if you want but you need to find quotes from the text to support your answers). 1. What is the purpose of the preface to the first edition? Why did Walpole then choose to write a second preface later? Is the purpose … Read more