Deliverable Length:   400–600 words Theresa and Mike understand that building the culture they envision requires effective communication, collaboration, and participative problem solving. They envision creating an organization such that Joe and other employees will know exactly what to do when faced with choices that involve ethics. As the first step in embedding clear ethical processes in … Read more

300 word Discussion

 This forum provides a final opportunity for you to synthesize and share your learning experience with the class. Reflect on your learning throughout the course and write a list of your “Top Three Takeaways.” Explain why you chose each concept, how you have utilized it in your own life, and how you think it will … Read more

A Means to an End

  The final section of Chapter 6 examines what Kant considered an imperative. For many of us it may be easier to consider it part of our morals. Most of us have likely complained about others we see as “users”. They use people as a means to get what they want. They do so because … Read more

Ethical Imperatives

  While the three ethical constructs illustrated in the diagram above are directly applicable to this course, so is the final point of the research which supports the assertion that we live in a pandemic world. COVID 19 was the first major salvo in a very long time. It will not be the last. The … Read more


You will choose two (2) of the following  question prompts. Then you will submit one of the responses for  #1, and the other for  #2.   #1:  Please choose only one (1) of the following questions and write 3-4 well-structured paragraphs that adequately respond to the questions, proving you know and understand the classroom material. See … Read more


  You should submit a research paper of no more than 1,500 words of writing (not counting words in the Works Cited page). At least three scholarly (i.e. peer-reviewed) articles required as a minimum for the final paper. The quality of your research will be evaluated as well as the content and argumentation final in … Read more

Cultural Relativism

  I have my ethical views and you have yours; neither my views nor yours are better or more correct. I may believe that a particular war was unjust, and you may believe that it was just. Someone else may believe that all war is wrong……we each have our individual histories that explain how we … Read more

wk 8c jose

   Please provide a 100 word minimum response to the below classmate discussion post:  The ethical decisions that I make today in my career and in the future will bring consequences to me for the rest of my life. Making the best and most professional decision-makings during my careers as a police officer is crucial … Read more

wk 8c john

   Please provide a 100 word minimum response to the below classmate discussion post:  The ethical decisions I make today will have an impact in my personal life and work life for a long time.  At home I have kids that look up to my wife and me and try to emulate us.  If my … Read more