
Please answer below in 300 word limit in APA format  What are the key factors for competitive success and why?  Need to reply to other 2 classmate in 150 word limit each(please see the attached document for classmates posts)


i- Watch the video on the link below and answer the questions that follows. -https://youtu.be/bnvnBwP9sTo (When I die recompose me. Katrina Spade)  -200 words, DUE 9/6/2022 @ 11 AM , $5 Initial Post: Answer the following questions in your initial post. Properly introduce and punctuate direct quotes using the correct MLA-style format. Do not use first- … Read more


  Watch this video and write a minimum of a one-and-a-half-page  on your reactions to this video and how this video could be related to the subject of development in the field of nursing. Connect these dots.   https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_the_power_of_vulnerability?language=en 


Use this video link above   Houska, Tara. “The Standing Rock Resistance and our fight for Indigenous Rights.” TED, 9 April 2018, https://www.ted.com/talks/tara_houska_the_standing_rock_resistance_and_our_fight_for_ indigenous_rights. And answer the following questions below in MLA format 200 words.   Watch the required video. When you are finished, answer the following questions in your initial posting. Your response should be in … Read more


  This discussion aims to help you brainstorm the direction for your second work This activity reflects the relationship between your belief and the actions that come from that belief. For example, if your belief is that you are morally obligated to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, you would look for … Read more

Critical thinking WIT 3

  3 PAGES MLA FORMAT. NO SHORDY WORK. READ THE WHOLE INSTRUCTIONSThis WIT gives you a chance to explore a religion that might be new to you.  Remember, this should be about a religion, not a specific denomination or faction within a religion.  The goal of this assignment is not to try to prove or disprove … Read more

Critical thinking Discuss w3

 TWO FULL PARAGRAPHS NOTHING LESS. NO SHORDY WORK. READ THE WHOLE THING BEFORE YOU START. WRITE IN YOUR OWN WORDS. In this post, after some consideration of the Chapter 2 reading (included in a file below) , share your strengths and challenges in integrating emotions and reason in both your academic and personal life. Where … Read more


Is the caring nature of nursing incompatible with a desire to exert power and influence on the political process and to ask for change? Do you see yourself as “just a nurse,” or have you seen yourself like this in the past? How does this affect your personal power and influence? Which of the nine sources … Read more


  Consider writing a prompt, a minimum of one-and-a-half pages on the subject of development. Imagine: If you were the opposite of who you are, how different would you be, explain?  Being that, there is a you with different skills, what skills would you like to learn from your other?  How might this practice relate … Read more