
   1. Explain how labor evolved from the “putting-out system” to unskilled wage labor during the early Industrial Revolution  2. Describe industrialization’s impact on the nature of work 3. Describe the rise of industrial manufacturing in the early-mid 19th century and the nature of factory labor 4. Discuss the critical role slavery played in the … Read more

USA History

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can … Read more


  The paper will focus on personality type and career choice.  You will take an informal assessment that will approximate your personality type according to the dimensions of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).  Use the following website to take the assessment: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp After obtaining your results from the assessment, write a 5-to-7 page paper that … Read more

American history

Is this imperialism?   Please view the following resources: Crash Course U.S. History- Imperialism Video NPR- Fresh Air interview with Daniel Immerwahr Examine the following historical events. Select three events and argue whether or not these qualify as imperialism?  Louisiana Purchase  Seminole Wars Annexation of Texas Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Purchase of Alaska Spanish-American War Foraker Act The … Read more


   7.0 Question about Upcoming Assignment: What movie about loving relational success are you considering for Assignment 9? Include the release year and few sentence synopses. Make sure that the movie has adequate content to answer the assignment questions. The instructor will indicate if the movie is approved.  <Read “Movie Analysis Based on Course Studies” … Read more


   Assigned Reading: Review, The DNA of Relationships: Discover How You Are Designed for Satisfying Relationships, by Gary Smalley, pages 109-179, and Study Guide pages 196-203. Read PPT-7a and PPT-8a.  PPT-7b/ 8b is optional reading that is designed to support course understanding. (Note that PPT-8a/b is found within the Week 8 task list.) For this … Read more

power point slides on African ethnic group

Do a power point slide project of an African ethnic group in an African country-23 slides are required at least. 5 slides on ethnic groups , others must be on the nation flag, the map, location of the country, slides showing traditional and modern architecture, traditional food, dance, and music and slides on landscape and … Read more

African Tradition

point out the following  1. rites of passage, coming of men or women hood (mask wearing, initiation, birth, death and after life rites/ ceremonies , give examples. 2 give the main mode of production / living , farming , pastoral life or hunter / gatherer 3. give examples of political life kings , elders, egalitarian … Read more

Discussion 7

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union erupted shortly after WWII.   The U.S. and Western Europe created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in response to the Soviet domination in Eastern Europe.  Throughout the Cold War, NATO was an effective military alliance against Soviet expansionism.  Since the end of the Cold … Read more

Discussion 1

The three branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.  Do you feel that one of these branches should be more powerful than the other two?  Do you feel that one of these branches should be less powerful than the other two?  Or do you feel that the three branches should be equal?  (Choose one answer … Read more