Each healthcare organization has its own internal policies related to how data is managed. There are also federal guidelines and regulations regarding the use of patient data. The data harvested by healthcare organizations is no longer uniquely derived from HIT systems. Wearable technologies have emerged in the market. Mega companies like Apple and Samsung, have … Read more

week 1-1

The Quickwrite consists of 5 questions (answer each question in a complete paragraph 150-200 words): What terms were the most important concepts of this week’s lesson? Be sure to define any important terms in your own words. What was your muddiest point (that is, what did not make sense)? Identify at least one resource (outside … Read more

Discussion 100 words

Review the redacted veterinary report (attached below) Answer the following questions: This case took place in FL, what are the applicable laws? If you were presented with this case as a member of a jury, would you feel a crime has been committed?  Why or why not?

Creating Learning Environments

   Developing a schedule for a classroom is not an easy task. In this assignment, you will create your own schedule for a preschool classroom. Part A  Imagine you are a teacher for a preschool classroom. Create a schedule that begins at 8 a.m. and ends at 5 p.m. Your schedule should include all aspects … Read more


Given the current prevalence of mobility throughout organizational and individual communications, what does the future of mobility look like and which devices do you think will no longer exist in 10 years? ANSWER THE ABOVE DISCUSSION, THEN REPLY TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION EXPLAINING WHY YOU AGREE.                                                           CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION I believe that mobility, through the evolving aspects … Read more