Job description

Scenario The management at your organization has approved funding for a brand-new full-time position. This position is eligible for full benefits. As an HR professional, you have been tasked with creating a detailed job description for this new position. You can use your current job, a former job, or a position you would like to … Read more

HRM201 Unit 7

The final project for this course is your final recommendations for a specific organization that you select, General Motors, Uber, or Microsoft, on how to provide the best recruitment, training, and performance management solutions for new employees.  See the attached document for complete instructions and grading rubric. 

HRM Capstone IP1

Managers are often faced with ethical dilemmas in organizations. They often use ethical decision-making tools to help them make appropriate choices. Then, they have to effectively communicate their decisions to their employees. An organizational culture that has integrity is often driven by managers that demonstrate values and strong ethical standards.  Please review the following articles … Read more


  Diversity has traditionally been defined by factors such as race, gender, age, religion, and disability. However, diversity also encompasses a wide range of other qualities, such as education level, personality traits, and work style preferences, among others.   Read article and answer both questions below. In your own words, explain the term “affinity bias.” What are … Read more

human resources

Discussion: Who knew that your own self-esteem and confidence could influence the success of your workplace? In our workplaces, personal self-image can create positivity that can be contagious. Likewise, poor self-image can breed negativity and hinder personal and professional growth. Based on your readings this week (see Content – Week 2 – Reading and Resources), what … Read more


  The answer to each question should have its own dedicated paragraph, consisting of approximately 4-6 sentences each. This assignment is a writing/research exercise, so please verbalize self-created full sentences in paragraph form, and refrain from using bullet-style lists.  What are some of the unique challenges working parents face when trying to balance family and … Read more


Company: Bvlgari Hotel 4-pages report (times new roman, 12, single spaced), citing at least 3 academic references (from handbooks, academic journals, case studies): – Page 1: describe what is organizational culture and company brand (Describe theoretical concepts and provide examples); – Page 2: describe the selection of candidate employee process (Describe why is important to … Read more

Deliverable 06 – Conflict Management and Negotiation Strategies

Competency Critique self-assessment leadership, communication, conflict management, and team-building theories and practices within the healthcare field. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario Due to recent financial strains, the Board of … Read more