write 400

There is no debate that we are living in a very litigious society. Lawsuits against police departments and officers are on the rise. How do you think these lawsuits affect officers when doing their jobs? Does it prevent good police work?  How should police administrators deal with potential issues realted to liability and negligence? Research … Read more


1. How do tattoos violate (or confirm) certain formal or informal norms? 2. What are some possible consequences for these transgressions?  3. How can concepts like cultural relativism and ethnocentrism be applied to certain styles of tattoos?  4. Do you think that tattoos are more subcultural or countercultural?  5. Have cultural views of tattooing changed … Read more


Pick three chapters from the book that interest you. In detail explain something you learned from each chapter and how you may apply this information. Go into detail.  Some examples of how you can apply this information is: I will use this information in my home office by……. At work it will be helpful with…… … Read more


Your former employer has requested that you participate in an exit interview. To what extent should you be candid and honest in response to the questions you get in that interview? You’re starting your new job. What factors should you consider in learning to acclimate to this new organizational culture especially in terms of communication?  … Read more


Use Exhibit 13-3’s Sample Financial Worksheet to determine assets and liabilities on pp. 319-324 of the textbook.  Complete the worksheet as thoroughly as possible, including mathematical accuracy and neatness.  Indicate “N/A” in lines where such is not applicable to your financial situation.  You may guesstimate, or even fabricate, some of your information to include additional … Read more


Explain Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory of management. Explain how social media affects (good and bad) productivity in the workplace. Is there a problem in today’s organization? APA citations and references are required for quotes and/or paraphrased ideas. Please remember that I am looking for you to cite material from the textbook in your initial post, each … Read more

Interview project

3-page paper about what you learned from the experience (We had to take turns interviewing each other as a paralegal and had to fill out a form), including feedback about how both you and your partner handled the initial telephonic contact, the professional email follow-up, and the initial client interview (i.e., Was s/he prepared?  Did … Read more

Organizational Network

The purpose of this assignment is for students to diagram and demonstrate their understanding of the organizational networks that are around them. If you are not currently part of an organization, you may use a former organization that you were a part of for this assignment. Students will be diagram a network they have been … Read more

Discussion 12

List and explain the five stages in the innovation adoption process. Describe in your own words, the roles of: bridge, liaison, gatekeeper, opinion leader, cosmopolite, isolate, and old boys/old girls in the informal communication network.  325 words  APA citations and references are required for quotes and/or paraphrased ideas. Please remember that I am looking for … Read more