
There are 3 files attached.  RJr_Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web (1) – This is the file is your work.  Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web_final_result (1) – This file is an example of how it should look.  Exp19_Word_Ch04_ML1_Web_Design_Instructions (1) – This file is instructions.  1. You must download the starting files available below. The file for this assignment will be unique to you, so … Read more

PCI-DSS Standards

  Both sets of business projects for your Course Project require adherence to PCI-DSS standards. You have been requested to create a power point in which you will present the: Need for training. The basic outline/idea of the training. The learning objectives you intend on meeting with the training. The differentiation of the groups. (For … Read more

mod lab2

  You have been requested to create a write-up for those who are going abroad to help them with their transition. Review the presentation you completed in the previous Module 02 Lab. What training differentiators would you need to add or alter to address travel abroad? What are some other ideas that might need to … Read more


identify an endangered species of your choice and then provide some specific information about it.  As a starting point to identify an endangered species, you might want to visit the US Fish and Wildlife Service list of Endangered Species at www.fws.gov/endangered/­ or the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) website at  https://www.iucnredlist.org/.  But you … Read more

week 10 final project

For this assignment, use the data you downloaded in your W1 Project. This week, you will explore the hypothesis that a relationship exists between the misinformation effect (the type of information relayed) and the accuracy of the color recalled. Use a chi-square analysis to compare the accuracy of the color recalled (recall color) across your … Read more


Chi-Square Analysis For this assignment, use data from W1 Midweek Assignment. Using Microsoft Excel and following instructions given in your lectures, conduct a chi-square analysis to determine whether sex and the year in college are related. Report your results in APA format and write one to two sentences interpreting your results. Move your output into … Read more

week 7 discussion

There are several advantages of using a paired t-test. Since the same subjects are being tested in each of the varying conditions, those subjects serve as their own control. This is a major advantage as you need not consider potential differences between the subjects in the control group and the subjects who are in the … Read more

week 7 mid assignment lab

Selecting the Appropriate t-Test For this assignment, use data from W1 Midweek Assignment. Using Microsoft Excel and following the instructions given in your lectures, compute a t-test comparing males’ and females’ heights. You must determine which type of t-test to compute (between-subject or within-subject). Move your output into a Microsoft Word document and write a … Read more

week4 lab

Research Designs Researchers were interested in learning the effects of trans fats on levels of cholesterol in the blood. Two different research designs were constructed. Between-Groups Design In the between-groups design, researchers were interested in whether cholesterol levels would differ depending on diet. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to one of two different groups. Group … Read more