Criminal Justice10

    Discussion 10 – Interviews, Questioning and Interrogations Discussion: In Chapter 8, Topic 1, we are looking at the differences between interviewing, questioning, and interrogation. For you initial discussion post, pick one of these 3 areas as the focus of your initial post – explain what it is, what role it plays in the investigative process, … Read more

Criminal Justice9

  Assignment 10: In at least one and half pages, discuss the pitfalls of false confessions and the responsibilities of investigators for minimizing the likelihood of false confessions occurring. Identify at least one of the three situations where a false confession may occur and what steps an investigator can take to avoid false confessions during … Read more


  Lesson 10 – Discussion: Victimized Children and Elderly Topic Watch the video below that discusses different ways elders are victimized by financial abuse. Why might the elderly be especially vulnerable to these sorts of financial abuse? That is, why would someone target the elderly for such financial scams? Source: Submission Requirements You are … Read more


  Lesson 9 – Discussion: Victims of Intimate or Family Violence Topic Analyze the causes of domestic violence. Explain the cycle of violence. What are ways to break the cycle of violence? Watch the video below and discuss with your fellow classmates: Source: Submission Requirements You are required to post an initial discussion post … Read more

Risk Management Summative Assessment

  Watch “The Evolution of the Intelligence Community (IC).” Read “What We Do: Members of the Intelligence Community.”  LINK: Assume you are the head of security for a Fortune 500 company, and one of the senior executives of the company received a letter threat against them. In the letter, the subject threatened to kill … Read more

2500 word doc forensics

  Summarize thoroughly the situation as it was known prior to arriving at the virtual scene in your introduction. Note that your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your doc For assistance on Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center … Read more

Week 4 Ethical Reasoning Paper HSCI 6345

 Please approach this assignment with creativity, but this formal paper should include the following elements: Introduction. An introduction paragraph should have a hook to catch the reader’s attention, any relevant background information that the reader needs to know and conclude with a thesis statement that presents the main purpose of the paper. For this paper, … Read more

Individual Liberty and Equal Protection of the Law

Assignment Details  In this unit, you are studying the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. For an example of unequal treatment based upon gender, read the case of United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S. 515 (1996). Use your textbook resources and the links provided to read the following case: Read United States v. Virginia, … Read more


Instructions Sociological Theories of Crime Causation Select one of the following sociological crime theories: Anomie, Social Disorganization, Social Learning Theory, Labeling Theory, and Critical Criminology. Create a report in a Microsoft Word document that includes responses to the following: Discuss who created your theory and when was it developed. Summarize the main concepts of your … Read more