
Write a summary of “Grant and Lee, A study in contrasts”. (Bruce Catton). N/B 1. Use a formal introduction      2.   summarize the entire text by identifying the most important ideas in the writing    3. Use a formal, academic tone, avoid referring to oneself, or directly addressing the audience. Length: Two page maximum


Write a summary of “How LeBron James and Stephen curry explains politics”. N/B 1. Use a formal introduction        2. summarize the entire text by identifying the most important ideas in the article.       3. Use a formal, academic tone, avoid referring to oneself or directly addressing the audience.   Length: two page maximum


 A) The articles you select must be from peer-reviewed resources and must have been published within the past 5 years. If your topic is so recent that peer-reviewed literature has yet to be produced, search the business or learned press and professional literature. You are expected to substantiate your critical analysis with citations from the … Read more

Discussion 250 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

  Reviewed chapters 8 and 9. Identify one population health concern for the state or local area (Healthy People 2020 develop a plan for addressing the health concern, using a theory, including interventions and evaluation based on the theory. Major Theories in Public Health and Interventions in Practice are: • Health Belief Model • The … Read more

Discussion 400 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

  Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible primary interventions that could service to help prevent or reduce HT. The discussion must … Read more


Course Competency: Identify local, state, and national resources which facilitate safe and effective transitions of care for older adults. Your supervisor at Rasmussen Home Health Services is satisfied with the resources described in your annotated bibliography and is eager for you to continue your work. As a next step, your supervisor wants you to develop … Read more

Discussion 500 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

  Discussion: Healthy aging is an important public health issue, both nationally and internationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes healthy aging as a process whereby all people of all ages are able to live a healthy, safe and socially inclusive lifestyle. Discuss how social determinants of health for the older adult are impacted for … Read more