Opportunity Costs

Think about any significant purchases you have made that have required compromise on your part—perhaps a car, a house, a set of furniture, a new computer or other electronic device, or even your decision to pursue a college education. When you were considering your purchases, what trade-offs did you think about? In other words, what … Read more


Two-part APA format, 1600 words  Part one A review of an article of a current economic topic, discuss how it relates to economics 101. Part two A product or service use on everyday life, the factors that influence the demand of that product, the supply of that product, the supply and demand changes that affect … Read more


Current economic topic (i.e., something that is currently a topic of discussion in the real world) Write up a review of the article and integrate course concepts into your review. Article that is published recently (no more than 3 months old). Microsoft Word document, APA format 750 words.