
  For each article, you will compose an Editor’s Letter to the author (of at least 300 words), wherein you’ll provide support and specific evidence for your editorial recommendation. It is extremely important to consider all elements of the manuscript and review process BEFORE making your editorial decision. Please use the following as an approximate … Read more


  In a sentence, can you summarize your main takeaway from the submission? What aspects of the submission do you enjoy? Remember that in peer feedback, you are not being asked whether you agree/disagree with the writer’s ideas. You are being asked to address how well the writer is communicating his/her/their ideas. Give the writer … Read more


  Provide a summary of what the diet entails and how it may/may not work.  Based on the evidence (the articles you read & the diet you reviewed, not someone’s experiences), would this diet be considered healthy? Why or why not (consider macro- and micronutrient intake among other things)?

Assignment 2

Write a 200-300 word reflective response. Pay attention to grammar, spelling and overall writing clarity.  Your written response/reflection should include: What did you learn from this video? How do YOU feel about the issue? What are possible solutions? I realize this is a 2011 video, for more current statistics reflecting world hunger information, consider visiting the … Read more