wk 1a psychotherapy

   review practice agreements in your state(Illinois). Identify whether your state (Illinois) requires physician collaboration or supervision for nurse practitioners, and if so, what those requirements are. Research the following: o How do you get certified and licensed as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) in your state? o What is the application process for … Read more


Read the attached case study and answer the below questions. The answer must follow the professor’s instructions with APA Format, Appendix, a Cover page, content, and more than 6 references. and No Plagiarism.  APA format reference URL:  https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.html  Each Final Paper will include a review of the database provided to each student, who will then … Read more

Psychopathology 9

  Neurodevelopmental disorders begin in the developmental period of childhood and may continue through adulthood. They may range from very specific to a general or global impairment, and often co-occur (APA, 2022). They include specific learning and language disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorders, and intellectual disabilities. Neurocognitive disorders, on the other hand, … Read more

Psychopathology 8

   Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Many individuals seeking treatment meet the criteria for both mental health and substance-related disorders. Regardless of whether you specialize in substance-related disorders, all advanced practice nurses should know their signs and symptoms and how to assess and diagnose them. There are assessment and screening tools available to clinicians, and a … Read more

Discusion post

 Most of the services/support provided for human trafficking (HT) victim come after they have been trafficked and can be considered as secondary interventions. Review some of the possible risk factors associated with becoming an HT victim, and discuss some possible primary interventions that could service to help prevent or reduce HT. 

Question week 8

  Nurses are pivotal members of the health care team, and knowledgeable of the overall concepts and potential strategies for success can assist nurses at all levels to provide leadership throughout the process. What key strategies should nurses and nurse leaders develop to ensure a successful merger or acquisition occurs in their organizations? 

Question week 9

  Rural communities offer opportunities and challenges to providing health care that best meets the population needs (Mason, et. al. 2021). What role does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) play in addressing workforce shortages in rural communities? (Refer to your textbook).

Portfolio Assignment- Network Forensics

Please use the UC Library resources or Google Scholar to search for scholarly articles concerning network forensics or network scanning.In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must summarize the article and state your opinion of what occurred and what could steps could had been done differently if any. Remember to cite your references using APA … Read more

Research Proposal (Poster) & Research Literature Review (Report) – 4 pages each (Total 8 pages)

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose: The summative assessment for this unit consists of two pieces of work: a research project proposal presented in the form of a poster (50%), – 4 pages a research literature review presented in the form of a report (50%). – 4 pages Topic selected – Face recognition using ML/DL … Read more