
Answer the following in short respones 1-2 sentences,  What lessons did we learn from managing this pandemic? How can we fight a Monkeypox outbreak more effectively next time? 

ORG 807 TY WK 2 Student Response

  Read this student response attached with YOUR opinion but include a NARRATIVE CITATION TO reference and support your thoughts THE CITATION MUST BE A NARRATIVE CITATION TO RECIEVE CREDIT 150 WORDS MINIMUM NO MORE THAN 300 the proffessor is very specific ! your response must have a narrative citation along with your response- research … Read more


Based on your knowledge of the major personality theories, what personality factors and/or traits are associated with individuals’ social media use?  Be sure to select at least one (1) of the following theoretical perspectives of personality when forming your response. ·         Trait perspective ·         Motive perspective ·         Genetics, evolution, biological processes, and personality perspective ·         Psychoanalytic perspective ·         Psychosocial perspective … Read more