Fair Minded Reasoning

Demonstrate the skills you have learned in this class as you strive to manifest the ability to arrive at conclusions based upon a fair-minded analysis of the best reasoning on both sides of issues. This includes presenting and evaluating the best arguments on each side, followed by a presentation of your own argument for your … Read more

Philosophy of social media

Philosophers of Technology have often argued that technologies are value-laden rather than being merely value-neutral. One reason for thinking so is because the act of building or making always presupposes value-judgments about what we think is worth building or making in the first place. Put another way, what we make or build often reveals what … Read more

Reflection 6

Need guidance with my computer ethics class. 2018 ACM Code https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/entries/ethics-computer/ https://mediacentral.princeton.edu/media/CITP+WebinarA+Ed+Felten+-+COVID-19%2C+Technology%2C+Privacy+and+Civil+Liberties/1_syzkrdfd

Why Beauty Matters

https://archive.org/details/why-beauty-matters-roger-scruton  After you carefully watch this film, please offer a 250 minimal words (no maximum) thoughtful response to his central argument. But whatever response you give to Scruton’s main argument, be sure to defend your own truth claims. In other words, do not only tell us what you think but also what are your reasons … Read more


To begin, you will use the topic you selected in the Week 1 Standard Form Arguments discussion forum and continued working with in the Week 2 Creating a Valid Argument Workshop assignment. For this assignment, you will present and evaluate reasoning from scholarly sources on both sides of your topic.