unit 8 discussion
Adolescent Sexuality Transgender: health concerns (pregnancy and STIs) psychosocial needs, and describe how you will provide culturally and ethically sensitive care to the patient and parents.
Adolescent Sexuality Transgender: health concerns (pregnancy and STIs) psychosocial needs, and describe how you will provide culturally and ethically sensitive care to the patient and parents.
All questions are worth 20 points: Identify and describe two or three traditional crimes in which computers are now used as an instrument. How has the nature of these crimes changed as a result of technology? What is anonymity on the Internet? What are the pros and cons of anonymity? Find a spam or phishing … Read more
Topic: Diverticular Disease Discuss the following: Clinical manifestations Differential diagnosis (at least 3) Diagnostic testing (if any) Pharmacological treatments: What are the first and second lines of treatments? Non-pharmacological treatments Life-Span Considerations
Topic: Mental Health Conditions Your instructor will assign you one of the topics below. For your topic, please discuss: MY TOPIC–ADHD Risk factors Clinical manifestations Evidence-based screening tools that are age-appropriate (one for adolescent patients and one for adult patients) Age-appropriate evidence-based management guideline (include pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic interventions Include information on how your … Read more
Topic: Adolescent Screening Guidelines Topic Screening for Testicular CA, PSA . For your topic, include the following: Provide an evidence-based guideline (include the following: age when to start screening, how often and when to stop screening). Discuss screening tools (if applicable), including how they are administered, scored, and interpreted. Discuss risk factors, screening tests (if … Read more
Your instructor will assign one of the three stages of development listed below, along with the phases and tasks associated with each stage of adolescent development. See Chapter 3 in your Neinstein’s text for reference. After reading your textbook, please include the following in your discussion: Provide an evidence-based anticipatory guideline for the topic … Read more
Smokeless tobacco products, or “vapes”, have been promoted by several companies as a healthier alternative to smoking. These companies have also been accused to marketing these products to minors and young adults, two populations that may be at high risk of developing long-term cardiopulmonary complications as a result of the heavy use of these … Read more
Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format. Your cover sheet and your source citing/references are NOT included in the five page minimum. Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or … Read more
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or in short Affordable Care Act, changed the landscape of the health care industry. For this assignment, read the article “Information asymmetries and risk management in healthcare markets: The U.S. Affordable Care Act (ACA) in retrospect” by Mendoza, and respond to the following questions: Discuss the “moral … Read more
role as a professional nurse in providing culturally and spiritually competent care, which recognizes and considers the client-reported, self-identified, unique and individual preferences to client care.