Urban Politics, Memorandum

The memo will be to an imaginary policy decision maker based on the topic of Housing Discrimination[1] or Gentrification.[2] Housing Discrimination can take place, but not limited to, those holding housing vouchers, same-sex couples and transgender people, families with small children, racial and ethnic minorities, and people with disabilities. Gentrification is a form of neighborhood change that occurs when higher-income … Read more

technology and politics

 One theory of technology puts forth the idea that technical things, or artifacts, have value-laden qualities. Furthermore, some of these value-laden qualities may include political values. As a consequence, any sharing of that artifact between different people would entail a sharing, and perhaps a spreading, of those same political values. But what does this mean? … Read more

Technology and Politics

One theory of technology puts forth the idea that technical things, or artifacts, have value-laden qualities. Furthermore, some of these value-laden qualities may include political values. As a consequence, any sharing of that artifact between different people would entail a sharing, and perhaps a spreading, of those same political values. But what does this mean? … Read more

technology and politics

One theory of technology puts forth the idea that technical things, or artifacts, have value-laden qualities. Furthermore, some of these value-laden qualities may include political values. As a consequence, any sharing of that artifact between different people would entail a sharing, and perhaps a spreading, of those same political values. But what does this mean? … Read more

DB – Policy Implementation and Improvement – No Format required

Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: As a new healthcare leader … Read more

IP – Policy Implementation and Improvement 3-5 pgs (not including cover pg and resource pg)

Assignment Details (Format APA 7) Policy analysis is a mainstay of any healthcare administrator. The ability to analyze policy from year to year and implement changes determines the behavior of your employees and the risk mitigation of your department and organization. You must be able to effectively communicate the changes needed for the policy. In this … Read more