Coursework Tasks to be Completed by Students You will produce an individual illustrated journal of no more than 6no. A3 pages (landscape) (Excluding front page, Content page and Reference List). The illustrated journal needs to include all of the following:  1. Select a construction industry problem related to forms of waste discussed during the module, … Read more

Deliverable 1 – Earth’s Four Spheres Presentation

Assignment Content Competency Describe the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and how they interact. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario Each of us has directly or indirectly been impacted by a … Read more

Assignment 3

2 Parts: Assignment and Powerpoint: A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENT IS ATTACHED PART I Using the Grand Challenges for Social Work Statement “Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Smart Decarceration”, choose one of the four policy recommendations suggested to answer the following sections listed below. Please use additional research and resources to support … Read more

Create an Instructor’s Presentation to Teach Students about Internal and External Validity

Create a PowerPoint presentation to teach students about internal and external validity.  The presentation is to be usable in a teaching environment. Include the following:   Overview introduction on why researchers should be aware of internal and external validity. Internal Validity Define internal validity. Identify four common threats to internal validity Provide an example for … Read more

individual debate analysiz

Individually, watch BOTH of the following debates.  Choose one and write your analysis strictly following the Tips on Analyzing an Argument (5%) (Due date 19th March 2022). View Social Media Debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stRI1-qIbGg Homework watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1GSEUQO084 Please follow the documents rubric!!!!!