discussion question

what you would have done in these two situations. Given the situation, would you have done what the discussion question did in order to comply? Why, or why not?  __________________________________________________________________________________ An example of a time when I complied with an authority figure’s demands despite finding the request irrelevant to the task at hand, includes a … Read more

discussion question

informed by social psychology theory and research, please share pressures you have experienced to conform to fashion dictates. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Gender roles, behaviors, expressions, and differences are fixed by the culture in which one lives. These roles once defined are expected to be followed without violation. Earlier, men were expected to be the masters of the … Read more


Hello, please go to the presentation by clicking the link below https://1drv.ms/p/s!AryuqN6DpsXDviQ5qJsnOAVzCg6J You can add some information to the notes part. We need to introduce both people (SHERYL SANDBERG and ADAM GRANT) on the presentation, so you can find some significant information about them. Don’t forget to copy the website links and paste them to … Read more

apa format, discussion question , .

explain how Julie might reconcile her dilemma. _________________________________________________________________________________ Cognitive Dissonance Theory would be apropos to explaining Julie’s dilemma. In cognitive dissonance theory, when your external actions or behavior do not reflect your internal mores and beliefs, it causes dissonance between your internal and external self that leads to discomfort, and we try to eliminate this … Read more

Psychiatric Nursing

Many of you have experience in complex adaptive systems whether you realize it or not. Thinking about your current nursing job or future psychiatric nursing practice area, identify an issue or concern. In your initial response, please describe the concern. Does the concern primarily occur at the micro, meso, or macro level? How would you … Read more

case study

1 page  A one-page (12-point font) report Step 1 Review the material in this lesson on major developmental theorists. Be sure to review the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson. Step 2 Research and read. Research and read an article about one or more of the major developmental theorists. Using information from your research, apply … Read more