WK2 socw6520

By Day 3 Post a blog post that includes: An explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in your field education experience A description of agency policies or mandates with regard to confidentiality An explanation of potential challenges in communicating with clients within your agency

WK1 socw6520

Assignment 2: Self-Assessment The ability to demonstrate social work practice skills is a key component of any social work field education experience. As you demonstrate social work practice skills in your field education experience, you will develop your professional identity as a future social worker. For this Assignment, reflect on your personal and professional goals … Read more



Case Study

1. Define mindset and describe how mindset relates to Reggie’s reaction to the compliance test. define mindset and describe how mindset relates to how Reggie is reacting to the announcement about the compliance test. 2. What is brain plasticity? How does brain plasticity relate to mindset?  define brain plasticity and describe how brain plasticity relates … Read more


One of my favorite quotes is my Albert Einstein – “If you continue to get the wrong answers, perhaps you are asking the wrong questions.” In this vein, discuss the a prioriassumptions that underlay the notion of “assessment” (e.g. diagnosing, labeling, categorizing, etc.) How might “assessing” help, or potentially harm, person?  As a clinician, how … Read more

final research proposal

Submit your edited research proposal to your instructor. Your proposal should include your introduction and problem, purpose of the study, research questions, method design, literature review, limitations, and reference page. Ensure you have incorporated feedback from your instructor and peers. Furthermore, include clear transitions so that each section flows together smoothly for the reader; correct … Read more

Week 1 Discussion- psychology

One of the central themes of this course is to examine your career aspirations in psychology as it relates to your studies thus far in the program. We begin the course assignments with a general question that we will open up for group discussion. What does psychology mean to you? This is not a simple … Read more

5-2 project 2

  Overview As you are aware, life is full of relationships. We consistently interact with individuals who may need to guide us, provide advice, or provide services. Some people achieve success in their field because they possess personality traits that align in ways that work for them and others. Understanding how a person in a … Read more

Deliverable 7 – Social Media Plan

 Assignment Content Competencies Analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices and how it relates to the potential need for regulation of social media, along with ethical concerns. Evaluate psychological theories and their insights into the widely varying opinions and attitudes that are expressed through social media. Compare and contrast new social media marketing … Read more