structions For this assignment, you will begin a discussion in the NCU Commons which will examine a social or ethical piece of forensic psychology. To do this, you will seek out and follow twitter or facebook feeds relevant to forensic psychology for 24 hours. For example, the American Psychology-Law Society or the Corrections Committee or … Read more

week 10 discussion

Clinical psychology refers to the application of psychological principles and theories in the assessment and treatment of individuals diagnosed with mental health problems. Social skills training is one of the primary treatment models used for individuals diagnosed with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. Part of this treatment methodology focuses on providing individuals with opportunities to … Read more

Discussion 8

 According to the CDC, the current average life expectancy is 78.7 years old (Links to an external site.), although some people live much longer, even up to 120 years. Based on the CDC fact sheet above and other sources for evidence, what factors contribute to those who live well beyond the average age? Consider lifelong healthcare regiments, … Read more

Psychology questions

1). Explain the three Classical Conditioning Processes: Stimulus-Substitution Theory / Preparatory Response Theory / Rescorla Wagner Theory 2). In your own words, explain “Phobias and Treating Phobias””Aversion Therapy for Problem Behaviors””Medical Applications of Classical Conditioning”

Week 2 Assignment

  Week Two- The Impact of Stress Eustress and Distress affect the physical functioning of the body in similar ways. What is the difference between these two types of stress? Also discuss the physical stress response. What are stress hormones and what do they do in the human body? Refer to Ch 6 in attached book.

Discussion Week 2

Generally, stress can be divided into two categories – distress and eustress. What is the difference in these two “types” of stress. Physiologically, the body responds the same regardless of our perception of whether the source of the stress is positive or negative.  How does your body respond to “stress”? What are stress hormones and … Read more

Week One Assignment

Week One – Challenges to Health and Wellness:  We all live with challenges to our health and wellness. For some it may be eating habits while others may battle time management. Others may face smoking, substance abuse, or many other challenges. This week I would like you to explore the many challenges people face.  Please … Read more

Discussion Week One

 We all face health challenges in our daily life. For some, it is easy to say that there is not enough time for a healthier lifestyle. For others, the healthier food is more expensive. The reality is that there is some truth to these excuses. Living a healthier lifestyle does take more planning time, and … Read more