
The validity of a scale a. stays the same acrosee different sample populations b. is stagnant in its relation to the real world c. is data dependent d. does not need to be periodically reevaluated

6070 WK10

Discussion: Assessing Outcomes How do you determine the “success” of a human services program? Part of your role as an administrator is to collaborate with your staff to determine how a particular program’s effectiveness will be measured. The outcomes must be clear, realistic, and feasible, and how the outcomes will be assessed must be clear … Read more

6311 WK10

Discussion: Use of Group Designs in Program Evaluation Group programs are common in social work. Just as with other types of programs, social workers must understand the options available to them and know how to select the appropriate research design. For this Discussion, you evaluate group research design methods that can be used for an … Read more

Discussion 4

 According to the text, there are three important characteristics of thinking: executive function, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Choose one and describe how a parent or teacher could foster either executive function, critical thinking, or creative thinking in 10–13-year-old children.  Provide at least two unique activities to support this type of thinking. 

Contemporary Context of Gender

The feminist view of gender argues against biological determinism and the claim that gender is socially constructed. You have discussed the factors that influence the distinct masculine and feminine roles and gender typing. You will now have the opportunity to share your views and support them with research-based materials. In this discussion, evaluate a case … Read more

Week 1 Discussion-Psychology and Gender

According to Bem (1981), gender roles furnish the material for gender stereotypes. This is because when people associate a pattern of behavior with men or women, they tend to overlook individual variations and draw conclusions about the behavior associated with a particular gender. In the United States, sexism toward women has always been an issue … Read more

Case Study Design and Analysis

For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings, and create a fictional case study (may not be related to actual individuals). You will use the following guidelines while writing your case study: Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in … Read more

Week 6 Discussion

In your school or work life, you must have faced a situation when you had been assigned to a group project where each member of the group had a different expectation of work and most of them had even decided to do less than their share of work. The Tuckman model of group development demonstrates … Read more

Literature Review Part V

Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week, you will finalize the Literature Review section of your proposal. topic is Social Psychology of Self-efficacy While developing Part 5, use the following guidelines: Review the topic using articles pulled in prior weeks.  Start with a broad overview of the topic, and narrow it down to … Read more