Week 1 Discussion-Psychology and Gender

According to Bem (1981), gender roles furnish the material for gender stereotypes. This is because when people associate a pattern of behavior with men or women, they tend to overlook individual variations and draw conclusions about the behavior associated with a particular gender. In the United States, sexism toward women has always been an issue … Read more

Case Study Design and Analysis

For this assignment, you will identify the main concepts and terms learned in this week’s online lectures and textbook readings, and create a fictional case study (may not be related to actual individuals). You will use the following guidelines while writing your case study: Background: You need to describe the demographics of individuals involved in … Read more

Week 6 Discussion

In your school or work life, you must have faced a situation when you had been assigned to a group project where each member of the group had a different expectation of work and most of them had even decided to do less than their share of work. The Tuckman model of group development demonstrates … Read more

Literature Review Part V

Final Project: Creating the Literature Review Section This week, you will finalize the Literature Review section of your proposal. topic is Social Psychology of Self-efficacy While developing Part 5, use the following guidelines: Review the topic using articles pulled in prior weeks.  Start with a broad overview of the topic, and narrow it down to … Read more

Observation Techniques: Film Analysis

This week, you will analyze a three- to five-minute segment of a movie or a television episode depicting group behavior in organizations. After watching the movie segment, create a report on your analysis. In your report: Mention the name of the movie. Describe the setting and overall storyline of the movie. Describe the main characters … Read more

Identifying Themes in Literature

When writing a literature review, you are not simply summarizing articles. You are providing background information and presenting the research that exists on the topic you are proposing to study. Considering topics that must be presented is important when planning to write a literature review. Please consider and respond to the prompts in the attached … Read more

6311 WK9 Assgn 2

Assignment: Drafting a Process Evaluation The steps for process evaluation outlined by Bliss and Emshoff (2002) may seem very similar to those for conducting other types of evaluation that you have learned about in this course; in fact, it is the purpose and timing of a process evaluation that most distinguish it from other types … Read more

6311 WK9

Discussion: Reporting a Process Evaluation Just as in needs assessments, interviews and focus groups are common tools for obtaining information about the processes involved in the implementation of programs. Process evaluation should include specifics about purpose, questions which the evaluation will address, and methods that social workers will use to conduct evaluations. Review the many … Read more

6070 WK9 Assgn 2

Discussion 2: Financial Capacity and Sustainability in Human Services Receiving funding from a grant or other source of funds is a great accomplishment. Once the funding is received, the human services organization must be able to manage the funds effectively. The organization must also develop a plan to sustain the program after the funding period … Read more

6070 WK9

Discussion 1: Funding through Grants Budgeting in human services organizations brings about many challenges. Human services agencies must be creative in managing their budget due to the increased demands on the agency and the needs of the clients and stakeholders. There are many legal, contractual, and other requirements under the concept of financial management, as … Read more